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There are 20 ten-letter words containing E, 2I, 2N, O and P

ANTILOPINEantilopine adj. Relating to, or resembling, antelopes.
antilopine adj. Relating to, or resembling, antelopes in the bovid subfamily Antelopinae.
antilopine adj. Relating to, or resembling, antelopes in the tribe Antelopini within that subfamily.
CISPONTINEcispontine adj. On this side of the bridge (or bridges).
CISPONTINE adj. on this side of the bridges, i.e. in London, north of the Thames.
CONCIPIENTconcipient n. One who conceives, who has an idea or concept.
CONCIPIENT adj. conceiving.
EPILIMNIONepilimnion n. The surface layer of a liquid body, used in reference to a reservoir or body of water.
EPILIMNION n. the upper, warm layer of water in a lake.
EPINICIONSepinicions n. Plural of epinicion.
EPINICION n. (Greek) an ode in honour of a victor or winner, also EPINIKIAN, EPINIKION.
EPINIKIONSEPINIKION n. (Greek) an ode in honour of a victor or winner, also EPINICION, EPINIKIAN.
IGNIPOTENTignipotent adj. (Poetic) Presiding over fire; fiery.
IGNIPOTENT adj. presiding over fire.
INCEPTIONSinceptions n. Plural of inception.
INCEPTION n. a beginning.
INSPECTIONinspection n. The act of examining something, often closely.
inspection n. An organization that checks that certain laws or rules are obeyed.
INSPECTION n. the act of inspecting.
INTERPOINTinterpoint n. (Typography) Synonym of interpunct ⟨·⟩.
interpoint v. (Transitive, obsolete) To mark with stops or pauses; to punctuate.
INTERPOINT n. the technique of printing Braille on both sides of the paper, spacing the dots in such a way that none counteracts each other.
KNIFEPOINTknifepoint n. The pointed end of a knife.
KNIFEPOINT n. the point of a knife.
NEOPILINASNEOPILINA n. a mollusc of the genus Neopilina.
OPINIONATEopinionate v. (Transitive, intransitive) To have or express as an opinion; to opine.
opinionate v. (Reflexive) To have a given opinion.
opinionate adj. (Archaic) opinionated.
PENNILLIONpennillion n. Plural of pennill.
PENNILL n. (Welsh) a verse or stanza in Welsh poetry, also PENILL.
PENSIONINGpensioning v. Present participle of pension.
PENSION v. to grant a retirement allowance to.
PIGEONWINGpigeonwing n. A wing of a pigeon, or a wing like it.
pigeonwing n. An old style of dressing men’s side hair in a form resembling a pigeon’s wings; or a wig of similar shape.
pigeonwing n. A fancy dance step executed by jumping and striking the legs together.
PIKEMINNOWpikeminnow n. The squawfish.
PINPOINTEDpinpointed v. Simple past tense and past participle of pinpoint.
pin-pointed v. Simple past tense and past participle of pin-point.
PINPOINT v. to locate precisely.
PIONEERINGpioneering v. Present participle of pioneer.
pioneering adj. Involving accomplishments or activities that have not been done before, or developing or using new methods…
pioneering n. The activity of the verb pioneer.
REPOINTINGrepointing v. Present participle of repoint.
repointing n. (Construction) The process of renewing mortar joints in masonry.
REPOINTING n. the application of new mortar to brickwork.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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