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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing E, 2I, L, 2N and U

ENLUMININGenlumining v. Present participle of enlumine.
ENLUMINE v. (Spenser) to throw light upon, also ILLUMINE.
INQUILINESinquilines n. Plural of inquiline.
INQUILINE n. a creature dwelling in another creature's lair, also INQUILINIC.
INSULINASEinsulinase n. (Biochemistry) Any enzyme that inactivates insulin.
INSULINASE n. an enzyme, present in the liver and kidneys, which breaks down insulin.
JULIENNINGjulienning v. Present participle of julienne.
JULIENNE v. to shred or cut into thin strips.
LENOCINIUMlenocinium n. (Scotland, law) A husband’s connivance at his wife’s adultery.
LENOCINIUM n. in Scots law, connivance at one's wife's adultery.
MILLENNIUMmillennium n. A period of time consisting of one thousand years.
millennium n. (Christianity) The period of one thousand years during which Christ will reign on earth (according to…
millennium n. A period of universal happiness, peace or prosperity; a utopia.
NEBULISINGnebulising v. Present participle of nebulise.
NEBULISE v. to reduce to a fine spray, also NEBULIZE.
NEBULIZINGnebulizing v. Present participle of nebulize.
NEBULIZE v. to reduce to a fine spray, also NEBULISE.
QUINOLINESquinolines n. Plural of quinoline.
QUINOLINE n. a pungent, colourless, oily liquid, first obtained from quinine and used e.g. as a food preservative, also QUINOLIN.
RELUMININGrelumining v. Present participle of relumine.
RELUMINE v. to light again, also RELUME.
UNGAINLIERungainlier adj. Comparative form of ungainly: more ungainly.
UNGAINLY adj. clumsy, also UNGAIN.
UNIVOLTINEunivoltine adj. (Biology) Having one brood or generation in a year.
univoltine n. (Biology) A univoltine organism.
UNIVOLTINE adj. having one brood a year.
UNKINDLIERunkindlier adj. Comparative form of unkindly: more unkindly.
UNKINDLY adv. UNKIND, not kind.
UNKINGLIKEunkinglike adj. Not kinglike.
UNKINGLIKE adj. not like a king.
UNVEILINGSunveilings n. Plural of unveiling.
UNVEILING n. the act of unveiling.
UNYIELDINGunyielding adj. Not giving in; not bending; stubborn.
UNYIELDING adj. characterized by firmness or obduracy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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