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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing E, 2I, 2L, T and U

CELLULITIScellulitis n. An inflammation of subcutaneous or connective tissue caused by a bacterial infection.
CELLULITIS n. an inflammation of the cellular or areolar tissue, esp. of that lying immediately beneath the skin.
CITRULLINEcitrulline n. (Biochemistry) An amino acid, first isolated from watermelons, that is an intermediate in the urea cycle.
CITRULLINE n. an amino acid formed in the production of urea.
EBULLITIONebullition n. The act of boiling.
ebullition n. A sudden emotional outburst.
EBULLITION n. the act, process or state of boiling or bubbling up; a sudden violent outburst or display.
FLUVIATILEfluviatile adj. Of, pertaining to, or produced by rivers; fluvial.
FLUVIATILE adj. belonging to or formed by rivers or streams, also FLUVIATIC.
GUILLOTINEguillotine n. (Historical, also figuratively) A machine used for the application of capital punishment by decapitation…
guillotine n. (By extension).
guillotine v. To use a guillotine (on someone or something).
ILLUMINATEilluminate v. (Transitive) To shine light on something.
illuminate v. (Transitive) To decorate something with lights.
illuminate v. (Transitive, figurative) To clarify or make something understandable.
ILLUVIATEDilluviated v. Simple past tense and past participle of illuviate.
illuviated adj. (Geology) Exhibiting illuviation.
ILLUVIATE v. to deposit illuvium, material removed from soil layer by rainwater and deposited in lower layer.
ILLUVIATESilluviates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of illuviate.
ILLUVIATE v. to deposit illuvium, material removed from soil layer by rainwater and deposited in lower layer.
MULTILINESmultilines n. Plural of multiline.
MULTILINE n. a variety of crop with several lines, each having different genes to improve disease resistance.
MULTIPLIEDmultiplied v. Simple past tense and past participle of multiply.
MULTIPLY v. to increase in number.
MULTIPLIERmultiplier n. (Arithmetic) A number by which another (the multiplicand) is to be multiplied.
multiplier n. (Grammar) An adjective indicating the number of times something is to be multiplied.
multiplier n. (Economics) A ratio used to estimate total economic effect for a variety of economic activities.
MULTIPLIESmultiplies n. Plural of multiply.
multiplies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of multiply.
MULTIPLY v. to increase in number.
PITIFULLERpitifuller adj. Comparative form of pitiful: more pitiful.
PITIFUL adj. arousing pity, also PITEOUS.
TIRAILLEURtirailleur n. An infantry soldier.
TIRAILLEUR n. (French) a skirmisher; a sharpshooter.
UNILITERALuniliteral adj. Consisting of a single letter.
UNILITERAL adj. consisting of one letter only; as, a uniliteral word or sign.
UTILISABLEutilisable adj. Alternative form of utilizable.
UTILISABLE adj. that can be utilised, also UTILIZABLE.
UTILIZABLEutilizable adj. Able to be utilized.
UTILIZABLE adj. that can be utilized, also UTILISABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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