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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing E, 2I, 2L and 2N

BIENNIALLYbiennially adv. Taking place every two years.
BIENNIAL adv. occurring every two years.
BRINELLINGbrinelling n. (Engineering) A material surface failure caused by contact stress that exceeds the material limit.
BRINELLING n. a localized surface corrosion; a cause of damage to bearings.
CANNELLINIcannellini n. A type of white bean used in Italian cooking.
CANNELLINI n. (Italian) the white haricot beans used in French and Italian cooking, also CANELLINI.
CENTILLIONcentillion num. (Short scale) 10303.
centillion num. (Long scale) 10600.
CENTILLION n. in UK and Germany, the hundredth power of a million, i.e. 1 followed by 600 zeros; in North America and France, the hundred-and-first power of a thousand, i.e. 1 followed by 303 zeros.
INCLINABLEinclinable adj. Capable of being inclined or tilted.
inclinable adj. Capable of being inclined, or given a tendency.
INCLINABLE adj. leaning; tending.
INDWELLINGindwelling n. A dwelling within, especially lodgement or habitation in the mind or soul.
indwelling adj. Implanted within the body.
indwelling adj. Existing as an inner principle; inherent.
INJELLYINGINJELLY v. to place as if in jelly.
INSHELLINGinshelling v. Present participle of inshell.
INSHELL v. (Shakespeare) to enclose in a shell, also ENSHELL.
LILANGENISlilangenis n. Plural of lilangeni.
LILANGENI n. (Bantu) the standard monetary unit of Swaziland.
MILLENNIALmillennial adj. Referring to the 1,000th anniversary of an event or happening.
millennial adj. Occurring every thousand years.
millennial adj. Occurring at, or relating to, the end or beginning of a millennium.
MILLENNIUMmillennium n. A period of time consisting of one thousand years.
millennium n. (Christianity) The period of one thousand years during which Christ will reign on earth (according to…
millennium n. A period of universal happiness, peace or prosperity; a utopia.
NICKELLINGnickelling v. Present participle of nickel.
nickelling n. (Firearms) The metallic fouling of a gun’s bore with fragments of bullet casing.
NICKEL v. to plate with a metallic element, also NICKLE.
PENCILLINGpencilling v. (British spelling) present participle of pencil.
pencilling n. A sketch or mark made in pencil.
PENCILLING n. the art or act of painting, writing, sketching, or marking with a pencil, also PENCILING.
PENICILLINpenicillin n. (Pharmacology) Any of a group of narrow-spectrum antibiotics obtained from Penicillium molds or synthesized…
penicillin n. (Mycology) A blue mold of the genus Penicillium that produces penicillin.
PENICILLIN n. any of a group of substances that stop the growth of bacteria, extracted from moulds, esp. from Penicillium notatum.
PENNILLIONpennillion n. Plural of pennill.
PENNILL n. (Welsh) a verse or stanza in Welsh poetry, also PENILL.
SNIVELLINGsnivelling v. Present participle of snivel.
snivelling n. The act of producing a snivel.
SNIVELLING n. the act or sound of snivelling.
TINSELLINGtinselling v. Present participle of tinsel.
TINSEL v. to give a showy appearance to.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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