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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing E, 3I, O and 2S

BIOPOIESISbiopoiesis n. (Biology) abiogenesis.
BIOPOIESIS n. the creation of living from nonliving material as an evolutionary process.
ISEIKONIASISEIKONIA n. the seeing of the same image in both eyes.
ISOPIESTICisopiestic adj. Having equal pressure; isobaric.
isopiestic n. An isobar.
ISOPIESTIC adj. having equal pressure.
ISOSEISMICisoseismic adj. Isoseismal.
ISOSEISMIC n. a line connecting points of same earthquake intensity, also ISOSEISMAL.
MISSIONISEmissionise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of missionize.
MISSIONIZEmissionize v. (Intransitive) To work as a missionary; to do missionary work.
missionize v. (Transitive) To do missionary work among (a people) or in (a particular place).
missionize v. (Transitive, historical) To teach and to bring under the control of European religion and culture through…
MOISTIFIESmoistifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of moistify.
MOISTIFY v. to make moist.
OTIOSITIESotiosities n. Plural of otiosity.
OTIOSITY n. the state of being otiose.
PILOSITIESpilosities n. Plural of pilosity.
PILOSITY n. the state of being pilose; hairiness.
RIMOSITIESrimosities n. Plural of rimosity.
RIMOSITY n. the state of being rimose, full of cracks.
SENIORITISsenioritis n. (US, Canada) A tendency of seniors in high school or college to skip class or slack off due to a desire…
SIGNIORIESsigniories n. Plural of signiory.
SIGNIORY n. the power of a seignior, also SEIGNORY, SIGNORIA, SIGNORY.
SODICITIESsodicities n. Plural of sodicity.
SODICITY n. the amount of sodium in soils.
SOLICITIESSOLICITY n. (Shakespeare) solicitation.
SOLIDIFIESsolidifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of solidify.
SOLIDIFY v. to make solid.
SOLIDITIESsolidities n. Plural of solidity.
SOLIDITY n. the state of being solid, also SOLIDNESS.
VINOSITIESvinosities n. Plural of vinosity.
VINOSITY n. the character of a wine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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