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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing E, 3I, 2N and O

DEFINITIONdefinition n. (Semantics, lexicography) A statement of the meaning of a word or word group or a sign or symbol (dictionary…
definition n. (Usually with the definite article the) A clear instance conforming to the dictionary or textbook definition.
definition n. A statement expressing the essential nature of something; formulation.
DEIONISINGdeionising v. Present participle of deionise.
DEIONISE v. to remove ions from, also DEIONIZE.
DEIONIZINGdeionizing v. Present participle of deionize.
DEIONIZE v. to remove ions from, also DEIONISE.
EBIONISINGEbionising v. Present participle of Ebionise.
EBIONISE v. to follow the sect of ebionism, also EBIONIZE.
EBIONIZINGEbionizing adj. (Christianity, historical) Having the religious views of the Ebionites.
EBIONIZE v. to follow the sect of ebionism, also EBIONISE.
EDITIONINGeditioning n. (Printing, art) The process of making a small number of prints available, in order to make the print more lucrative.
EDITION v. to produce multiple copies of an art work.
EPILIMNIONepilimnion n. The surface layer of a liquid body, used in reference to a reservoir or body of water.
EPILIMNION n. the upper, warm layer of water in a lake.
EPINICIONSepinicions n. Plural of epinicion.
EPINICION n. (Greek) an ode in honour of a victor or winner, also EPINIKIAN, EPINIKION.
EPINIKIONSEPINIKION n. (Greek) an ode in honour of a victor or winner, also EPINICION, EPINIKIAN.
IGNOMINIESignominies n. Plural of ignominy.
IGNOMINY n. deep personal humiliation and disgrace, also IGNOMY.
INDECISIONindecision n. The inability to decide on a course of action, especially if two or more possibilities exist.
INDECISION n. a wavering between two or more possible courses of action.
INTERIONICinterionic adj. (Physics, chemistry) Between ions.
INTERIONIC adj. between ions.
REIGNITIONreignition n. Process, act or instance of reigniting.
REIGNITION n. the act of igniting again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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