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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing E, 3I, L, M and T

DELIMITINGdelimiting v. Present participle of delimit.
delimiting n. The act or point of something being delimited.
delimiting adj. That serves to delimit.
FEMINILITYfeminility n. (Now rare) femininity.
FEMINILITY n. the quality of being female, also FEMININITY.
HUMILITIEShumilities n. Plural of humility.
HUMILITY n. the quality of being humble.
IMBECILITYimbecility n. The quality of being imbecile; weakness; feebleness, especially of mind.
imbecility n. Something imbecilic; a stupid action, behaviour, etc.
IMBECILITY n. the state of being an imbecile.
INIMITABLEinimitable adj. Beyond imitation, surpassing all others; matchless.
INIMITABLE adj. that cannot be imitated.
LEGITIMISElegitimise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of legitimize.
LEGITIMISMlegitimism n. The principles or plans of legitimists.
LEGITIMISM n. adherence to the principles of political legitimacy or to a person claiming legitimacy.
LEGITIMISTlegitimist n. (Historical) A French royalist who believes that the King of France and Navarre must be chosen according…
legitimist n. A Carlist.
legitimist n. (By extension) Any proponent for the rule of a legitimate sovereign.
LEGITIMIZElegitimize v. (Transitive) To make legitimate.
LIMITATIVElimitative adj. Restrictive, limited.
limitative adj. (Grammar) Being or relating to a grammatical case that specifies a deadline, a time by which something…
LIMITATIVE adj. tending to limit.
MILITARIESmilitaries n. Plural of military.
MILITARY n. armed forces.
MILITARISEmilitarise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of militarize.
MILITARISE v. to make military, also MILITARIZE.
MILITARIZEmilitarize v. To give a military character to something, such as government or organization.
militarize v. To train or equip for war.
militarize v. To adopt for use by the military.
MILITIAMENmilitiamen n. Plural of militiaman.
MILITIAMAN n. a member of a militia.
MILLILITERmilliliter n. (American spelling) Alternative form of millilitre.
MILLILITER n. a thousandth of a litre, also MILLILITRE.
MILLILITREmillilitre n. (British spelling) A unit of measure of capacity, being one thousandth of a litre. Symbol: ml.
MILLILITRE n. a thousandth part of a litre, also MILLILITER.
MOBILITIESmobilities n. Plural of mobility.
MOBILITY n. the ability to move.
MOTILITIESmotilities n. Plural of motility.
MOTILITY n. the ability to move, also MOTIVITY.
SIMILATIVEsimilative adj. Implying or indicating likeness or resemblance.
similative n. (Grammar) A grammatical case expressing similarity.
SIMILATIVE adj. indicating likeness or resemblance.
SIMILITUDEsimilitude n. (Uncountable) Similarity or resemblance to something else.
similitude n. (Countable) A way in which two people or things share similitude.
similitude n. (Countable) Someone or something that closely resembles another; a duplicate or twin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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