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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing E, H, O, R, S and 2U

CHUNDEROUSchunderous adj. (Australia, slang) sickening; nauseating.
CHUNDEROUS adj. nauseating.
COURTHOUSEcourthouse n. A public building housing courts of law.
courthouse n. (US) The public building where most American counties have their county offices.
court-house n. Obsolete spelling of courthouse.
GUARDHOUSEguardhouse n. A station for guards, especially at the entrance of a town, castle, etc.
guardhouse n. Synonym of military prison.
Guardhouse prop.n. A hamlet near Threlkeld, Eden district, Cumbria, England (OS grid ref NY3325).
HUMORESQUEhumoresque n. (Music) A composition that is playful in attitude and tone.
HUMORESQUE n. a musical caprice, also HUMORESK.
HUMOURLESShumourless adj. (British spelling, Canada) Alternative spelling of humorless.
HUMOURLESS adj. without humour, also HUMORLESS.
HUMOURSOMEhumoursome adj. (Archaic) Liable to humours or moods; fickle; ill-tempered.
HUMOURSOME adj. capricious, petulant, also HUMORSOME.
NURSEHOUNDnursehound n. Scyliorhinus stellaris, a species of catshark.
NURSEHOUND n. a kind of shark.
OUTHAULERSouthaulers n. Plural of outhauler.
OUTHAULER n. a rope used to haul a sail taut along a spar, also OUTHAUL.
ROUGHHOUSEroughhouse n. Rowdy behaviour.
roughhouse v. To behave rowdily or violently.
roughhouse v. To treat roughly or violently.
ROUNDHOUSEroundhouse n. A circular prison, especially a small local lockup or station house.
roundhouse n. (Nautical, now chiefly historical) The uppermost room or cabin of any note upon the stern of a ship.
roundhouse n. (Nautical, now historical) A privy near the bow of a vessel, especially as reserved for officers.
RUTHENIOUSruthenious adj. (Chemistry) Pertaining to, or containing, ruthenium; designating those compounds in which it has a lower…
RUTHENIOUS adj. pertaining to, or containing, ruthenium.
SUGARHOUSEsugarhouse n. (Historical) A factory for the refining of raw sugar from Barbados.
sugarhouse n. (Canada) A small cabin or shack where sap collected from sugar maples is boiled into maple syrup.
sugar-house n. Alternative spelling of sugarhouse.
THUNDEROUSthunderous adj. Very loud; that sounds like thunder; thundersome. Also in metaphorical expressions, signifying fury.
THUNDEROUS adj. sounding like thunder, also THUNDROUS.
UNSHROUDEDunshrouded adj. Not shrouded.
UNSHROUD v. to remove the shroud from; to uncover.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 60 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 4 words

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