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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing E, H, N, R, S, T and Y

ANHYDRITESanhydrites n. Plural of anhydrite.
ANHYDRITE n. an anhydrous sulphate of lime, differing from gypsum in not containing water (whence the name).
ENHYDRITESenhydrites n. Plural of enhydrite.
ENHYDRITE n. a mineral with fluid inclusions.
ERYTHRINASerythrinas n. Plural of erythrina.
ERYTHRINA n. a plant of the kaffirboom genus of tropical and subtropical trees with brilliant red flowers.
ERYTHROSINerythrosin n. (Chemistry) A red substance formed by the oxidation of tyrosin.
erythrosin n. (Chemistry) A red dyestuff obtained from fluorescein by the action of iodine.
ERYTHROSIN n. a red substance formed by the oxidation of tyrosine, also ERYTHROSINE.
HERCYNITEShercynites n. Plural of hercynite.
HERCYNITE n. black spinel, an aluminate of iron.
HERRYMENTSHERRYMENT n. (Scots) spoliation, plunder, also HERRIMENT.
HETERONYMSheteronyms n. Plural of heteronym.
HETERONYM n. a word having same spelling but different sound and meaning e.g. lead/lead.
HONEYTRAPShoneytraps n. Plural of honeytrap (alternative spelling of honey traps).
honey␣traps n. Plural of honey trap.
HONEYTRAP n. a scheme in which a victim is lured into a compromising sexual situation giving opportunities for blackmail.
HYDRASTINEhydrastine n. (Organic chemistry) A natural alkaloid present in goldenseal.
HYDRASTINE n. a white poisonous alkaloid extracted from the roots of the goldenseal, which has been used in medicine to contract the uterus and arrest haemorrhage.
HYPERTENSEhypertense adj. Extremely tense.
HYPERTENSE adj. excessively tense.
HYPNOTISERhypnotiser n. Alternative form of hypnotizer.
HYPNOTISER n. one who hypnotises, also HYPNOTIZER.
NEWSWORTHYnewsworthy adj. Interesting enough to be reported as a news.
NEWSWORTHY adj. interesting enough to the general public to warrant reporting.
PHEASANTRYpheasantry n. (Zoology) A place for keeping and rearing pheasants.
PHEASANTRY n. a place for keeping and rearing pheasants.
PHENOCRYSTphenocryst n. (Mineralogy) Any relatively large crystal embedded in a more fine-grained or glassy igneous rock.
PHENOCRYST n. a larger crystal in a porphyritic rock.
PYRETHRINSpyrethrins n. Plural of pyrethrin.
PYRETHRIN n. either of two insecticidal oily esters prepared from pyrethrum flowers.
SOUTHERNLYsouthernly adj. Southerly, somewhat southern.
southernly adv. Southward, southerly.
southernly adv. In a Southern manner, in a way typical of a Southerner or of the South (the southern United States).
STRYCHNINEstrychnine n. (Organic chemistry) A very toxic, colourless crystalline alkaloid, derived from nux vomica, used as a pesticide.
STRYCHNINE v. to poison with strychnine, a very poisonous alkaloid obtained from the seeds of the nux vomica plant.
THYROXINESthyroxines n. Plural of thyroxine.
THYROXINE n. an iodine compound, a hormone forming the active principle of the thyroid gland, also THYROXIN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 69 words
  • Scrabble in French: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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