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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing E, H, I, M, O and 2T

AUTOTHEISMautotheism n. Worship of oneself.
autotheism n. Belief that one is a deity.
autotheism n. Belief that one is possessed by a divine power.
DIMETHOATEdimethoate n. A particular organophosphate insecticide.
DIMETHOATE n. a kind of insecticide.
HEMATOCRIThematocrit n. (Medicine) The percentage (by volume) of packed red blood cells in a centrifuged sample of blood.
hematocrit n. (Medicine, countable) A centrifuge used to analyze the relative amount of red blood cells and plasma in blood.
HEMATOCRIT n. a graduated capillary tube in which the blood is centrifuged, to determine the ratio, by volume, of blood cells to plasma, also HAEMATOCRIT.
HEMOSTATIChemostatic adj. Of or pertaining to hemostasis.
hemostatic adj. That checks bleeding; styptic.
hemostatic n. Any medicine that stops bleeding.
HITHERMOSThithermost adj. (Archaic) Nearest to this side.
HITHERMOST adj. nearest on this side.
LITHOTOMESlithotomes n. Plural of lithotome.
LITHOTOME n. a stone so formed by nature as to appear as if cut by art.
METHODISTSmethodists n. Plural of methodist.
Methodists n. Plural of Methodist.
METHODIST n. a follower of Methodism.
MONOTHEISTmonotheist n. A believer in, or advocate of, monotheism.
MONOTHEIST n. one who believes that there is but one God.
MOTHERIESTMOTHERY adj. consisting of, containing, or resembling, mother (in vinegar).
NOMOTHETICnomothetic adj. (Rare) Relating to the underlying laws of a subject.
NOMOTHETIC adj. legislative; based on law, also NOMOTHETICAL.
SMOKETIGHTsmoketight adj. Impervious to smoke.
SMOKETIGHT adj. proof against smoke.
THEOMANTICtheomantic adj. Relating to theomancy.
THEOMANTIC adj. relating to theomancy, divination by means of oracles.
THERMISTORthermistor n. (Electronics) A resistor whose resistance varies rapidly and predictably with temperature and as a result…
THERMISTOR n. a semiconductor, a mixture of certain oxides with finely divided copper in which the resistance is very sensitive to changes of temperature.
THERMOTICSthermotics n. (Archaic) The branch of physics that deals with the science of heat.
thermotics n. (Archaic) thermodynamics.
THERMOTICS n. the science of heat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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