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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing E, H, I, 2L, O and T

ALLOTHEISMallotheism n. Worship of a god or gods that are foreign to one’s own land.
ALLOTHEISM n. belief in or worship of strange gods.
CHOLELITHScholeliths n. Plural of cholelith.
CHOLELITH n. a gallstone.
HALLOYSITEhalloysite n. (Mineralogy) A monoclinic-domatic clay mineral containing aluminum, hydrogen, oxygen, and silicon.
HALLOYSITE n. a claylike mineral, a hydrated aluminium silicate.
HELIOLATERheliolater n. A sun-worshipper.
HELIOLATER n. a sun worshipper.
HELIOLATRYheliolatry n. Worship of the sun as an actual religion/mythos.
heliolatry n. (Euphemistic) sunbathing.
HELIOLATRY n. sun worship.
HELIPILOTShelipilots n. Plural of helipilot.
HELIPILOT n. the pilot of a helicopter.
HOSTELLINGhostelling n. (British spelling) the practice of staying in youth hostels when on holiday, or travelling.
HOSTELLING n. the act of staying overnight in hostels when travelling, also HOSTELING.
HOTELLINGSHOTELLING n. (in an office where hot-desking is practised) the advance booking of a desk by an employee, also HOTELING.
LHERZOLITElherzolite n. (Mineralogy) A dark-green igneous rock consisting largely of chrysolite, with pyroxene and picotite.
LHERZOLITE n. an igneous rock consisting largely of chrysolite, with pyroxene and picotite.
LOATHLIESTloathliest adj. Superlative form of loathly: most loathly.
LOATHLY adj. (archaic) hideous, loathsome, also LAIDLY, LAITHLY.
LOVELIGHTSlovelights n. Plural of lovelight.
LOVELIGHT n. an amorous look in the eyes.
LOWLIGHTEDlowlighted v. Simple past tense and past participle of lowlight.
LOWLIGHT v. to enhance the natural colour of the hair.
PALAEOLITHpalaeolith n. Alternative form of paleolith.
PALAEOLITH n. a Stone Age artefact, also PALEOLITH.
PALEOLITHSpaleoliths n. Plural of paleolith.
PALEOLITH n. a Stone Age artifact, also PALAEOLITH.
PHLEBOLITEphlebolite n. Alternative form of phlebolith.
PHLEBOLITE n. a calcareous concretion found in a vein.
POLYHALITEpolyhalite n. (Mineralogy) A mineral usually occurring in fibrous masses, of a brick-red color, being tinged with…
POLYHALITE n. a triclinic hydrated sulphate of calcium, potassium, and magnesium, usually occurring as red or yellowish fibrous masses.
STILLHOUSEstillhouse n. A distillery.
STILLHOUSE n. (US) a distillery.
TOLLDISHEStolldishes n. Plural of tolldish.
TOLLDISH n. a grain measure dish for toll.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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