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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing E, H, I, 2L, O and R

CHOLERICLYcholericly adv. In a choleric manner; angrily.
CHOLERIC adv. bad-tempered.
DOWNHILLERdownhiller n. Someone who is traveling downhill. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
downhiller n. (Skiing) A skier who participates in the downhill.
downhiller n. (Cycling) A cyclist who takes part in downhill races.
DRILLHOLESdrillholes n. Plural of drillhole.
DRILLHOLE n. a hole bored in the ground e.g. for rock samples.
HELIOLATERheliolater n. A sun-worshipper.
HELIOLATER n. a sun worshipper.
HELIOLATRYheliolatry n. Worship of the sun as an actual religion/mythos.
heliolatry n. (Euphemistic) sunbathing.
HELIOLATRY n. sun worship.
HEROICALLYheroically adv. In a heroic manner, like a hero.
HEROICAL adv. courageous.
HILLOCKIERHILLOCKY adj. full of hillocks.
LHERZOLITElherzolite n. (Mineralogy) A dark-green igneous rock consisting largely of chrysolite, with pyroxene and picotite.
LHERZOLITE n. an igneous rock consisting largely of chrysolite, with pyroxene and picotite.
LIENHOLDERlienholder n. (Law) Used in instances of title of property (such as a vehicle) to refer to the person who has right…
LIENHOLDER n. a party who holds a lien on a property.
LOUDHAILERloudhailer n. (Britain) A megaphone or bullhorn.
loud␣hailer n. Alternative form of loudhailer.
LOUDHAILER n. a megaphone.
OVERCHILLSoverchills v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overchill.
OVERCHILL v. to chill to excess.
PHILOLOGERphilologer n. (Archaic) A philologist.
PHILOLOGER n. a person who studies or has knowledge of philology, also PHILOLOGIAN, PHILOLOGIST, PHILOLOGUE.
WILLOWHERBwillowherb n. Any of several flowering plants in the genus Epilobium of the family Onagraceae.
WILLOWHERB n. a perennial herb of the evening primrose family with willowlike leaves and seeds.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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