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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing E, 2H, O, P, T and Y

CHOMOPHYTEchomophyte n. (Botany) Any plant that grows in rock fissures or crevices.
CHOMOPHYTE n. a plant growing on rocky ledges.
HALOPHYTEShalophytes n. Plural of halophyte.
HALOPHYTE n. a plant found growing in salt marshes, or in the sea.
HELIOPHYTEheliophyte n. (Botany) Any plant that thrives in bright sunlight.
HELIOPHYTE n. a plant flourishing in sunlight.
HELOPHYTEShelophytes n. Plural of helophyte.
HELOPHYTE n. any perennial marsh plant that bears its overwintering buds in the mud below the surface.
HOLOPHYTESholophytes n. Plural of holophyte.
HOLOPHYTE n. a plant maintained entirely by its own organs.
HOMEOPATHYhomeopathy n. A system of treating diseases with small amounts of substances which, in larger amounts, would produce…
HOMEOPATHY n. the use of minute quantities of medications that in large amounts, produce symptoms like those of the disease being treated, also HOMOEOPATHY.
HYDROPHYTEhydrophyte n. (Botany) A plant that lives in or requires an abundance of water, usually excluding seaweed.
HYDROPHYTE n. an aquatic plant; an alga.
HYETOGRAPHhyetograph n. A graphical representation of rainfall over time.
HYETOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording rainfall.
HYGROPHYTEhygrophyte n. (Biology) Any plant that thrives on very wet but not submerged ground.
HYGROPHYTE n. a plant adapted to a plentiful water-supply.
HYLOPHYTESHYLOPHYTE n. a woodland plant.
HYPAETHRONhypaethron n. An open court.
HYPAETHRON n. an open court.
HYPOTHECAEhypothecae n. Plural of hypotheca.
HYPOTHECA n. the inner and younger layer of the cell wall of a diatom.
HYPOTHESEShypotheses n. Plural of hypothesis.
HYPOTHESIS n. a supposition, an assumption.
HYPOTHESIShypothesis n. (Sciences) Used loosely, a tentative conjecture explaining an observation, phenomenon or scientific…
hypothesis n. (General) An assumption taken to be true for the purpose of argument or investigation.
hypothesis n. (Grammar) The antecedent of a conditional statement.
HYPOTHETIChypothetic adj. Based on hypothesis or theory; hypothetical.
hypothetic adj. Existing as an abstract concept rather than a concrete reality.
HYPOTHETIC adj. of the nature of a hypothesis, also HYPOTHETICAL.
LITHOPHYSElithophyse n. (Mineralogy) A spherulitic cavity, often with concentric chambers, observed in some volcanic rocks…
LITHOPHYSE n. a bladderlike spherulite, also LITHOPHYSA.
LITHOPHYTElithophyte n. (Biology) Any plant that lives grows on rocks, obtaining nourishment from rain and the atmosphere.
lithophyte n. (Zoology) Any organism, such as a coral, resembling a stony plant.
LITHOPHYTE n. a plant that grows on rock.
ORTHOPHYREorthophyre n. (Geology) a porphyritic rock that contains phenocrysts of orthoclase embedded in feldspar.
ORTHOPHYRE n. a fine-grained syenitic rock with orthoclase crystals.
THEROPHYTEtherophyte n. (Biology) Any plant which survives unfavourable seasons in the form of seeds only.
THEROPHYTE n. a plant that overwinters as a seed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 54 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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