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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing E, G, 2N, O, P and S

DESPONDINGdesponding v. Present participle of despond.
desponding adj. That causes despondency; disheartening.
desponding n. A feeling or expression of despondency.
PENDRAGONSpendragons n. Plural of pendragon.
Pendragons n. Plural of Pendragon.
PENDRAGON n. (Welsh) an ancient British or Welsh prince holding or claiming supreme power, a chief leader or ruler.
PENSIONINGpensioning v. Present participle of pension.
PENSION v. to grant a retirement allowance to.
PEPSINOGENpepsinogen n. (Biochemistry) A zymogen that is converted into pepsin by the hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
PEPSINOGEN n. a substance in the mucous membrane of the stomach which converts into pepsin in a slightly acid medium.
POIGNANCESpoignances n. Plural of poignance.
POIGNANCE n. the state of being poignant, also POIGNANCY.
REOPENINGSreopenings n. Plural of reopening.
re-openings n. Plural of re-opening.
REOPENING n. the act of opening again.
RESPONDINGresponding v. Present participle of respond.
responding n. Response.
RESPOND v. to say or act in return.
SAPOGENINSsapogenins n. Plural of sapogenin.
SAPOGENIN n. a compound derived from saponin, often used in synthesizing steroid hormones.
SPONGINESSsponginess n. The property of being spongy.
SPONGINESS n. the state of being spongy.
UNREPOSINGunreposing adj. Not resting.
UNREPOSING adj. not resting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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