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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing E, G, M, N, O and 2R

DENDROGRAMdendrogram n. (Biology) A tree-like diagram used to show the ancestors and descendants of species.
DENDROGRAM n. a branching diagram to show e.g. evolutionary descent.
FEARMONGERfearmonger n. Someone who spreads fear, or needlessly raises the alarm.
fearmonger v. To spread fear.
fear␣monger n. Alternative spelling of fearmonger.
FOREARMINGforearming v. Present participle of forearm.
FOREARM v. to arm in advance.
GERMINATORgerminator n. A container in which plants may be germinated.
GERMINATOR n. one who germinates.
GREENROOMSgreenrooms n. Plural of greenroom.
green␣rooms n. Plural of green room.
GREENROOM n. a room in a studio or theatre for performers to relax in before or after their appearances.
IRONMONGERironmonger n. (Chiefly Britain, Ireland) A retailer in iron goods and hardware.
IRONMONGER n. a dealer in ironware.
LONGPRIMERlongprimer n. Alternative form of Long Primer.
Long␣Primer prop.n. (Printing, dated) The size of type between bourgeois and small pica, standardized as 10-point.
LONGPRIMER n. in printing, a size of type intermediate between small pica and bourgeois.
MICROGREENmicrogreen n. The small, young seedling of a plant used as a visual flavor accent and occasionally as a salad green.
NEUROGRAMSneurograms n. Plural of neurogram.
NEUROGRAM n. a modification in nerve structure to which memory is due.
OVERARMINGoverarming v. Present participle of overarm.
OVERARM v. to throw a ball overarm.
PEARMONGERPEARMONGER n. a seller of pears.
PERFORMINGperforming v. Present participle of perform.
performing n. A performance.
PERFORMING n. the act of doing something.
PREFORMINGpreforming v. Present participle of preform.
PREFORM v. to form beforehand.
REFORMINGSreformings n. Plural of reforming.
REFORMING n. the act of reforming.
REGROOMINGregrooming v. Present participle of regroom.
REGROOM v. to groom again.
STARMONGERstarmonger n. (Derogatory) A fortuneteller; an astrologer.
STARMONGER n. a fortune teller; an astrologer.
WARMONGERSwarmongers n. Plural of warmonger.
warmongers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of warmonger.
WARMONGER n. one who delights in making war.
WORDMONGERwordmonger n. (Usually derogatory) A writer, speechmaker, etc. who uses superficial, strange, or empty language for…
WORDMONGER n. a writer or speaker who uses language pretentiously or carelessly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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