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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing E, G, L, O, P, S and T

EPIGLOTTISepiglottis n. (Anatomy) A cartilaginous organ in the throat of terrestrial vertebrates covering the glottis when swallowing…
EPIGLOTTIS n. a cartilaginous flap over the glottis.
EPILOGISTSepilogists n. Plural of epilogist.
EPILOGIST n. one who writes or speaks an epilogue.
GANTELOPESgantelopes n. Plural of gantelope.
GANTELOPE n. an armoured glove, also GANTLET, GANTLOPE, GAUNTLET.
GEOSPATIALgeospatial adj. Of or pertaining to a geographic location, especially data.
geospatial adj. (Computing) Describing the combination of spatial software and geographic data.
geo-spatial adj. Alternative spelling of geospatial.
GLYPHOSATEglyphosate n. N-phosphonomethyl glycine, the active ingredient of several herbicides that inhibit a plant growth enzyme.
GLYPHOSATE n. a synthetic compound widely used as a herbicide.
HEPTAGLOTSheptaglots n. Plural of heptaglot.
HEPTAGLOT n. a book written in seven languages.
LOGOTYPIESLOGOTYPY n. the use of logotypes.
OPTOLOGIESOPTOLOGY n. the study of sight.
PEDOLOGISTpedologist n. A scientist who studies origins, composition and distribution of soils and the materials from which soils are formed.
pedologist n. A scientist who specializes in pedology.
pedologist n. A scientist who studies soil as a component of natural systems.
PENOLOGISTpenologist n. A student of, or expert in, penology.
PENOLOGIST n. one versed in, or a student of, penology.
PETROLAGESPETROLAGE n. treatment with petrol to stamp out mosquitoes.
POLYGENISTpolygenist n. One who maintains that animals of the same species are descended from more than one original pair.
POLYGENIST n. one who maintains that animals of the same species have sprung from more than one original pair.
PYGOSTYLESpygostyles n. Plural of pygostyle.
PYGOSTYLE n. the bone of a bird's tail.
SPLODGIESTsplodgiest adj. Superlative form of splodgy: most splodgy.
SPLODGY adj. covered with splodges.
TOPOLOGIEStopologies n. Plural of topology.
TOPOLOGY n. the branch of mathematics that deals with those properties of figures and surfaces which are independent of size and shape.
TYPOLOGIEStypologies n. Plural of typology.
TYPOLOGY n. the study of classification according to type.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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