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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing E, G, L, N, P, R and U

CLUMPERINGclumpering v. Present participle of clumper.
CLUMPER v. to walk heavily.
EMPURPLINGempurpling v. Present participle of empurple.
EMPURPLE v. to dye purple, also IMPURPLE.
PLEASURINGpleasuring v. Present participle of pleasure.
pleasuring n. An act of giving (sometimes sexual) pleasure.
PLEASURE v. to give enjoyment or satisfaction to.
PLOUTERINGploutering v. Present participle of plouter.
PLOUTER v. (Scots) to dabble in liquid, also PLOTTER, PLOWTER.
PLUNDERAGEplunderage n. (Maritime law) The embezzlement of goods on shipboard.
PLUNDERAGE n. the embezzlement of goods on shipboard.
PLUNDERINGplundering v. Present participle of plunder.
plundering n. The act of one who plunders; pillaging or looting; plunder.
PLUNDER v. to rob by force.
PRECLUDINGprecluding v. Present participle of preclude.
PRECLUDE v. to rule out or eliminate.
PREFULGENTPREFULGENT adj. extremely bright.
PRELINGUALprelingual adj. Before learning language.
prelingual adj. (Anatomy) anterior to the tongue.
PRELINGUAL adj. before the use of language.
PREVALUINGPREVALUE v. to value beforehand.
PROFULGENTprofulgent adj. (Obsolete) Shining forth; brilliant; effulgent.
PROFULGENT adj. shining out; radiant.
RECOUPLINGrecoupling v. Present participle of recouple.
recoupling n. The act or process by which something is recoupled.
RECOUPLE v. to couple again.
REPLUMBINGreplumbing v. Present participle of replumb.
REPLUMB v. to plumb again.
REPLUNGINGreplunging v. Present participle of replunge.
REPLUNGE v. to plunge again.
SUPERLYINGsuperlying v. Present participle of superlie.
SUPERLIE v. to lie above.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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