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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing E, G, L, N, O, R and V

GLENDOVEERglendoveer n. A mythical sprite.
GLENDOVEER n. (Southey) a heavenly spirit.
GOVERNABLEgovernable adj. Capable of being governed or subjected to authority; amenable to law or rule.
GOVERNABLE adj. that can be governed.
GOVERNALLSGOVERNALL n. (Spenser) government.
GRAVEOLENTgraveolent adj. That has a rank smell.
GRAVEOLENT adj. having a rank smell.
GROVELINGSgrovelings n. Plural of groveling.
GROVELING n. the act of humbling oneself.
GROVELLINGgrovelling v. (Britain) present participle of grovel.
grovelling n. The act of one who grovels.
GROVELLING n. the act of humbling oneself.
HOVERINGLYhoveringly adv. While hovering; so as to hover.
HOVERING adv. HOVER, to hang suspended in the air.
OVERFLYINGoverflying v. Present participle of overfly.
OVERFLY v. to fly over.
OVERGLANCEoverglance v. (Poetic, transitive) To glance over.
OVERGLANCE v. to glance over.
OVERHALINGoverhaling v. Present participle of overhale.
OVERHALE v. (Spenser) to overtake, also OVERHAILE.
OVERLADINGoverlading v. Present participle of overlade.
OVERLADE v. to load with too great a burden, also OVERLOAD.
OVERLAYINGoverlaying v. Present participle of overlay.
overlaying n. Overlaid ornamentation.
OVERLAYING n. the act of overlaying.
OVERLENGTHoverlength adj. Longer than is standard or (transport, law, of a vehicle) longer than is allowed.
overlength n. (Transport, law, of a vehicle) An excess of length.
OVERLENGTH n. excessive length.
OVERLIVINGoverliving v. Present participle of overlive.
OVERLIVE v. to outlive.
OVERLOVINGoverloving v. Present participle of overlove.
OVERLOVE v. to love to excess.
OVERPLYINGoverplying v. Present participle of overply.
OVERPLY v. to ply to excess; overwork.
OVERRULINGoverruling v. Present participle of overrule.
overruling n. The situation where something is overruled.
OVERRULING n. the act of overruling.
PRESOLVINGpresolving n. To transform a mathematical problem into an equivalent problem that is hopefully easier to solve.
PRESOLVE v. to solve beforehand.
REVOLVINGSrevolvings n. Plural of revolving.
REVOLVING n. the act of revolving.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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