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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing E, G, I, L, N, R and W

BECRAWLINGbecrawling v. Present participle of becrawl.
BECRAWL v. to creep over.
CLEARWINGSclearwings n. Plural of clearwing.
CLEARWING n. a transparent-winged moth of the family Sesiidae, often resembling wasps.
COWERINGLYcoweringly adv. In a cowering manner.
COWERING adv. COWER, to cringe.
CREWELLINGcrewelling v. Present participle of crewel.
CREWELLING n. the act of working in crewel yarn.
FINGERBOWLfingerbowl n. Alternative spelling of finger bowl.
finger␣bowl n. A small bowl of warm water placed at each seat at a formal dinner for the guests to rinse their fingers…
FINGERBOWL n. a bowl of water for washing the fingers in at table.
FLOWERINGSflowerings n. Plural of flowering.
FLOWERING n. the act of flowering.
GROWLINESSgrowliness n. The state or quality of being growly.
GROWLINESS n. the state of being growly.
LAWYERINGSlawyerings n. Plural of lawyering.
LAWYERING n. working as a member of the legal profession.
LOWERINGLYloweringly adv. In a lowering manner; with cloudiness or threatening gloom.
LOWERING adv. overcast, threatening.
PLOWTERINGplowtering v. Present participle of plowter.
PLOWTER v. (Scots) to dabble in liquid, also PLOTTER, PLOUTER.
REFLOWINGSreflowings n. Plural of reflowing.
REFLOWING n. the act of reflowing.
REWILDINGSREWILDING n. the practice of returning areas of land to a wild state, including the reintroduction of animal species that are no longer naturally found there.
SWELTERINGsweltering adj. (Of weather) hot and humid; oppressively sticky.
sweltering v. Present participle of swelter.
sweltering n. The situation of being or feeling hot and humid.
TOWERINGLYtoweringly adv. In a towering manner.
TOWERING adv. TOWER, to rise to a great height.
TROWELLINGtrowelling v. (Britain) present participle of trowel.
TROWEL v. to smooth with a tool with a flat blade.
WAVERINGLYwaveringly adv. In a wavering way; in a way involving wavering.
WAVERING adv. vacillating.
WEARYINGLYwearyingly adv. In a wearying way.
WEARYING adv. WEARY, to make tired.
WELLSPRINGwellspring n. The source of water for a stream, spring or well; a fountainhead; a wellhead.
wellspring n. (Figurative) A perennial source of anything; a fountainhead of supply or emanation; resource.
WELLSPRING n. a fountain; a spring; a source of continual supply.
WHOLEGRAINwholegrain n. A cereal grain that contains cereal germ, endosperm, and bran, in contrast to refined grains, which…
whole-grain adj. Alternative spelling of wholegrain.
whole␣grain adj. Alternative spelling of wholegrain.
WRESTLINGSwrestlings n. Plural of wrestling.
WRESTLING n. the sport of wrestling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 76 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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