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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing E, G, H, L, O, P and R

GLUCOPHOREGLUCOPHORE n. a chemical group responsible for sweetness of taste.
GRAPHOLECTgrapholect n. (Linguistics) A written variant of a language, analogous to a spoken dialect of a language.
GRAPHOLECT n. a standard written language.
HELIOGRAPHheliograph n. An apparatus for signalling by means of a moveable mirror which reflects flashes of sunlight.
heliograph n. A heliogram.
heliograph n. An instrument for measuring the intensity of sunlight.
HIEROGLYPHhieroglyph n. An element of an ideographic (hieroglyphic) writing system.
hieroglyph n. (Informal) Any obscure or baffling symbol.
hieroglyph v. To represent by hieroglyphs.
HYGROPHILEHYGROPHILE n. a plant loving moist places, also HYDROPHILE.
HYPERGOLIChypergolic adj. (Chemistry, aeronautics, of a reactant, fuel, or propellant) Igniting spontaneously upon contact with an oxidiser.
hypergolic adj. (Chemistry, aeronautics, of a reaction) Involving such a hypergolic agent.
HYPERGOLIC adj. igniting on contact, applied e.g. to rocket fuel which ignites spontaneously on contact with an oxidizing agent.
LAGERPHONElagerphone n. (Australia, music) A generally homemade percussion instrument consisting of crown cap beer bottle tops…
LAGERPHONE n. (Australian) a percussion instrument using the tops of beer bottles to make a jingling noise when struck or shaken.
NEPHROLOGYnephrology n. (Medicine) The branch of medicine that deals with the function and diseases of the kidneys.
NEPHROLOGY n. the study of the kidneys.
OLEOGRAPHSoleographs n. Plural of oleograph.
OLEOGRAPH n. a lithographic reproduction of an oil painting.
OLEOGRAPHYoleography n. The art or process of producing the pictures known as oleographs.
oleography n. The process of identifying oils by their oleographs.
OLEOGRAPHY n. the art of lithographic reproduction of oil painting.
PETROGLYPHpetroglyph n. (Archaeology) A rock carving, especially one made in prehistoric times.
PETROGLYPH n. an ancient rock-carving.
PHILOLOGERphilologer n. (Archaic) A philologist.
PHILOLOGER n. a person who studies or has knowledge of philology, also PHILOLOGIAN, PHILOLOGIST, PHILOLOGUE.
PHLEBOGRAMphlebogram n. A venogram.
PHLEBOGRAM n. a tracing (with the sphygmograph) of the movements of a vein, or of the venous pulse.
PHRENOLOGYphrenology n. (Medicine, biology) The science or now discredited pseudo-science, which studies the relationships between…
PHRENOLOGY n. the study of bumps on the head.
REPLOUGHEDreploughed v. Simple past tense and past participle of replough.
REPLOUGH v. to plough again, also REPLOW.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 52 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 8 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 4 words

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