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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing E, 2G, I, L, N and U

CUDGELINGScudgelings n. Plural of cudgeling.
CUDGELING n. the act of beating with a cudgel.
CUDGELLINGcudgelling v. Present participle of cudgel.
cudgelling n. A beating with a cudgel.
CUDGELLING n. a beating with a cudgel.
ENGLUTTINGenglutting v. Present participle of englut.
ENGLUT v. to glut, to fill.
ENGULPHINGengulphing v. Present participle of engulph.
ENGULPH v. to swallow up completely, also ENGULF, INGULF, INGULPH.
EPILOGUINGepiloguing v. Present participle of epilogue.
EPILOGUE v. to supply with a concluding section.
EULOGISINGeulogising v. Present participle of eulogise.
EULOGISE v. to extol, also EULOGIZE.
EULOGIZINGeulogizing v. Present participle of eulogize.
EULOGIZE v. to extol, also EULOGISE.
EVULGATINGevulgating v. Present participle of evulgate.
EVULGATE v. to divulge; to publish.
GRUELINGLYgruelingly adv. Alternative spelling of gruellingly.
GRUELING adv. exhausting.
GRUELLINGSgruellings n. Plural of gruelling.
GRUELLING n. the act of gruelling.
GUESSINGLYguessingly adv. By way of conjecture.
GUNSLINGERgunslinger n. (Historical) A person in the Old West who carried a gun and was an expert at quickly drawing it and firing.
gunslinger n. (By extension) A person who behaves with the reckless bravado expected of someone who would duel with guns.
GUNSLINGER n. a person noted for speed and skill in handling and shooting a gun esp. in the American West.
LEAGUERINGleaguering v. Present participle of leaguer.
LEAGUER v. to besiege.
REGULATINGregulating v. Present participle of regulate.
REGULATE v. to control according to rule.
REGULISINGregulising v. Present participle of regulise.
REGULISE v. to reduce to regulus, also REGULIZE.
REGULIZINGregulizing v. Present participle of regulize.
REGULIZE v. to reduce to regulus, also REGULISE.
REJUGGLINGrejuggling v. Present participle of rejuggle.
REJUGGLE v. to juggle again.
REPLUNGINGreplunging v. Present participle of replunge.
REPLUNGE v. to plunge again.
SNUGGLIESTsnuggliest adj. Superlative form of snuggly: most snuggly.
SNUGGLY adj. warm and cosy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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