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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing E, F, O, R, S and 2U

AQUIFEROUSaquiferous adj. (Geology) Of or pertaining to an aquifer.
aquiferous adj. Carrying water.
AQUIFEROUS adj. consisting or conveying water or a watery fluid.
AURIFEROUSauriferous adj. Containing or producing gold; gold-bearing.
AURIFEROUS adj. containing gold.
FOUNDEROUSfounderous adj. (Archaic) Difficult to travel; likely to trip one up.
FOUNDEROUS adj. causing to founder.
FOURSQUAREfoursquare adj. Having four equal sides; square.
foursquare adj. (By extension) Solid, robust.
foursquare adj. (Cryptography) Pertaining to a four-square cipher.
FURFUROLESfurfuroles n. Plural of furfurole.
FURFUROLE n. a liquid obtained by heating bran with dilute sulphuric acid, also FURAL, FURFURAL, FURFURALDEHYDE, FURFUROL, FUROL, FUROLE.
LUCIFEROUSluciferous adj. Illuminating; providing light.
luciferous adj. (Figurative) Illuminating; offering insight.
LUCIFEROUS adj. light-bringing; light-giving.
MUCIFEROUSmuciferous adj. Producing or secreting mucus.
MUCIFEROUS adj. conveying or secreting mucus.
NUBIFEROUSnubiferous adj. Bringing, or producing, clouds; cloudy.
NUBIFEROUS adj. cloud-bringing.
NUCIFEROUSnuciferous adj. Bearing or producing nuts.
NUCIFEROUS adj. nut-bearing.
OUTFIGURESoutfigures v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outfigure.
OUTFIGURE v. to surpass in figuring.
PURPOSEFULpurposeful adj. Having purpose; intentional.
purposeful adj. Having a purpose in mind; resolute; determined.
PURPOSEFUL adj. showing purpose.
SULFUREOUSsulfureous adj. (American spelling) Alternative spelling of sulphureous.
SULFUREOUS adj. pertaining to or like sulfur, also SULPHUREOUS.
UNFORTUNESunfortunes n. Plural of unfortune.
UNFORTUNE n. (archaic) ill-fortune.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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