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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing E, F, N, O, 2R and U

CUPFERRONSCUPFERRON n. a compound used in chemical analysis.
FOREGROUNDforeground n. The elements of an image which lie closest to the picture plane.
foreground n. The subject of an image, often depicted at the bottom in a two-dimensional work.
foreground n. (Computing, often attributive) The application the user is currently interacting with; the application…
FORERUNNERforerunner n. A runner at the front or ahead.
forerunner n. (Sports) By extension, a non-competitor who leads out the competitors on to the circuit, or who runs/rides…
forerunner n. A precursor or harbinger, a warning ahead.
FOURTEENERfourteener n. (US, climbing) A mountain rising to more than 14,000 feet above mean sea level.
fourteener n. (Poetry) A (usually iambic) line of fourteen syllables.
FOURTEENER n. a verse line of fourteen syllables.
NONFERROUSnonferrous adj. (Of a metal or alloy) Containing no iron.
non-ferrous adj. Alternative form of nonferrous.
NONFERROUS adj. not ferrous.
PROFOUNDERprofounder adj. Comparative form of profound: more profound.
PROFOUND adj. very deep.
REFOUNDERSrefounders n. Plural of refounder.
REFOUNDER n. one who refounds.
UNDERCROFTundercroft n. A cellar or vaulted storage room.
undercroft n. A ground-level car park that occupies the base of a building.
UNDERCROFT n. an underground room or vault, esp. under a church.
UNDERFLOORunderfloor adj. Located beneath the floor.
underfloor n. A layer of flooring beneath the main floor surface.
UNDERFLOOR adj. situated underneath a floor e.g. heating.
UNDERPROOFunderproof adj. Having a lower alcohol content than proof spirit.
underproof v. (Baking) To proof insufficiently.
UNDERPROOF adj. containing less alcohol than proof spirit.
UNFURROWEDunfurrowed adj. Not furrowed.
UNFURROWED adj. not furrowed.
UNREFORMEDunreformed adj. Not reformed.
UNREFORMED adj. not reformed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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