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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing E, F, L, 2O and 2S

FALSEHOODSfalsehoods n. Plural of falsehood.
FALSEHOOD n. a lie.
FLESHHOODSFLESHHOOD n. the state of being in the flesh.
FLOPHOUSESflophouses n. Plural of flophouse.
flophouses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of flophouse.
flop-houses n. Plural of flop-house.
FLOWSTONESflowstones n. Plural of flowstone.
FLOWSTONE n. a general term for deposits formed by dripping and flowing water on walls and floors of caves.
FOISONLESSfoisonless adj. Alternative form of fizzenless.
FOOLFISHESfoolfishes n. Plural of foolfish.
FOOLFISH n. a marine fish, the orange filefish.
FOOLISHESTfoolishest adj. Superlative form of foolish: most foolish.
FOOLISH adj. lacking good sense or judgement.
FOOTLESSLYfootlessly adv. In a clumsy or inept way.
footlessly adv. (Not comparable) Without feet.
FOOTLESS adv. without feet.
FORECLOSESforecloses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of foreclose.
FORECLOSE v. to bar (a right of redemption); to take away the power of redeeming (a mortgage).
GOOSEFLESHgooseflesh n. Alternative spelling of goose flesh.
goose␣flesh n. Synonym of goose bump.
GOOSEFLESH n. a knobbly, pimply condition of the skin, like that of a plucked goose or other fowl due to erection of hairs through cold, horror, etc.
SHELFROOMSshelfrooms n. Plural of shelfroom.
SHELFROOM n. space or accommodation on shelves.
SOLFEGGIOSsolfeggios n. Plural of solfeggio.
SOLFEGGIO n. a singing exercise using the syllable do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, also SOLFEGE.
SOLFERINOSsolferinos n. Plural of solferino.
SOLFERINO n. (Italian) a moderate purplish-red.
SOOTFLAKESsootflakes n. Plural of sootflake.
SOOTFLAKE n. a smut of soot.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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