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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing E, F, L, 2O, R and S

BIOFOULERSbiofoulers n. Plural of biofouler.
BIOFOULER n. an animal that obstructs or corrupts the environment.
FIREFLOODSFIREFLOOD n. a method of extracting oil from a well by burning some of the oil to increase the flow.
FLAVORSOMEflavorsome adj. Characterised or marked by flavor(s); flavorful.
FLAVORSOME adj. full of flavor, also FLAVOURSOME.
FLOORHEADSfloorheads n. Plural of floorhead.
FLOORHEAD n. the upper end of a ship's floor timber.
FLORIDEOUSflorideous adj. Synonym of floridean.
FLORIDEOUS adj. relating to Floridae, a family of red seaweeds.
FLOWERPOTSflowerpots n. Plural of flowerpot.
FLOWERPOT n. a pot for a flower.
FORECLOSEDforeclosed v. Simple past tense and past participle of foreclose.
FORECLOSE v. to bar (a right of redemption); to take away the power of redeeming (a mortgage).
FORECLOSESforecloses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of foreclose.
FORECLOSE v. to bar (a right of redemption); to take away the power of redeeming (a mortgage).
FORECLOTHSforecloths n. Plural of forecloth.
FORECLOTH n. a cloth that hangs over the front of an altar.
FORESLOWEDforeslowed v. Simple past tense and past participle of foreslow.
FORESLOW v. (Shakespeare) to delay, put off, also FORSLOW, FORSLOE.
FORLORNESTforlornest adj. Superlative form of forlorn: most forlorn.
FORLORN adj. forsaken.
FORSLOEINGFORSLOE v. (Shakespeare) to delay, also FORSLOW, FORESLOW.
FROLICSOMEfrolicsome adj. Characterised or marked by frolicking; playful.
FROLICSOME adj. given to pranks; sportive.
NONGOLFERSnongolfers n. Plural of nongolfer.
NONGOLFER n. someone who is not a golfer.
OLEIFEROUSoleiferous adj. That produces oil.
OLEIFEROUS adj. producing oil.
OVERFLOODSoverfloods v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overflood.
OVERFLOOD v. to flood excessively.
SHELFROOMSshelfrooms n. Plural of shelfroom.
SHELFROOM n. space or accommodation on shelves.
SHELLPROOFshellproof adj. Resistant to shelling.
SHELLPROOF adj. capable of resisting shells or bombs.
SOLFERINOSsolferinos n. Plural of solferino.
SOLFERINO n. (Italian) a moderate purplish-red.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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