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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing E, F, I, M, N, R and T

ANTIREFORMantireform adj. (Politics) Opposing reform.
anti-reform adj. Opposed to reform.
ANTIREFORM adj. opposed to reform.
FERMENTINGfermenting v. Present participle of ferment.
FERMENT v. to undergo a type of chemical reaction.
FERMENTIVEfermentive adj. Exhibiting or relating to fermentation.
FERMENTIVE adj. relating to fermentation.
FIRMAMENTSfirmaments n. Plural of firmament.
FIRMAMENT n. the sky.
FORAMINATEforaminate adj. Having foramina or openings.
FREEMARTINfreemartin n. A female calf, born as twin with a bull calf, but sexually imperfect (often infertile).
freemartin n. Any female animal born sterile or otherwise infertile.
FREEMARTIN n. a sexually deficient female calf born as a bull calf's twin.
FROMENTIESFROMENTY n. a wheat dish boiled in milk and sweetened, also FRUMENTY, FURMENTY, FURMETY, FURMITY.
FRUMENTIESfrumenties n. Plural of frumenty.
FRUMENTY n. a wheat dish boiled in milk and sweetened, also FROMENTY, FURMENTY, FURMETY, FURMITY.
FURMENTIESFURMENTY n. a wheat dish boiled in milk and sweetened, also FRUMENTY, FROMENTY, FURMETY, FURMITY.
FURNIMENTSfurniments n. Plural of furniment.
FURNIMENT n. (Spenser) furnishing.
MANIFESTERmanifester n. One who or that which manifests.
MANIFESTER n. one who makes manifest.
METFORMINSmetformins n. Plural of metformin.
METFORMIN n. a drug used to treat diabetes.
METRIFYINGmetrifying v. Present participle of metrify.
METRIFY v. to compose in metrical form.
MISFORTUNEmisfortune n. (Uncountable) Bad luck.
misfortune n. (Countable) An undesirable event such as an accident.
MISFORTUNE n. an event or conjunction of events that causes an unfortunate or distressing result.
REFINEMENTrefinement n. The act, or the result of refining; the removal of impurities, or a purified material.
refinement n. High-class style; cultivation.
refinement n. A fine or subtle distinction.
REFITMENTSrefitments n. Plural of refitment.
REFITMENT n. the act of refitting, or the state of being refitted.
UNIFORMESTuniformest adj. Superlative form of uniform: most uniform.
UNIFORM adj. consistent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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