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There are 16 ten-letter words containing E, F, 2I, P, R and T

FIBREOPTICfibreoptic adj. Alternative spelling of fibre optic.
fibre-optic adj. Alternative spelling of fibre optic.
fibre␣optic adj. Of, or relating to fibre optics, or to optical fibre.
FIELDSTRIPfieldstrip v. Alternative form of field strip.
field␣strip v. (Transitive) To dismantle (a weapon) for cleaning, oiling or repair; to disassemble (a firearm) to the…
field␣strip v. (Transitive) To take apart (a cigarette butt) for the purpose of reducing litter.
FINGERTIPSfingertips n. Plural of fingertip.
FINGERTIP n. the end of the finger.
PERFICIENTperficient n. One who performs or perfects a work.
perficient n. One who endows a charity.
perficient adj. Making or doing thoroughly; efficient; effectual.
PETRIFIERSpetrifiers n. Plural of petrifier.
PETRIFIER n. an agent that petrifies.
PETRIFYINGpetrifying adj. Causing immense fear; extremely scary.
petrifying v. Present participle of petrify.
PETRIFY v. to convert into a stony substance.
PIPEFITTERpipefitter n. An industrial tradesman who installs and maintains piping systems.
pipe␣fitter n. Alternative form of pipefitter.
PIPEFITTER n. one whose job is to fit pipes.
PITIFULLERpitifuller adj. Comparative form of pitiful: more pitiful.
PITIFUL adj. arousing pity, also PITEOUS.
PRESIFTINGpresifting v. Present participle of presift.
PRESIFT v. to sift beforehand.
PRETTIFIEDprettified v. Simple past tense and past participle of prettify.
PRETTIFY v. to make attractive.
PRETTIFIERprettifier n. One who prettifies.
PRETTIFIER n. one who prettifies.
PRETTIFIESprettifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prettify.
PRETTIFY v. to make attractive.
PRIZEFIGHTprizefight n. A professional boxing match, in which two boxers compete for a prize (usually money).
PRIZEFIGHT n. a professional boxing match.
PROFICIENTproficient adj. Good at something; skilled; fluent; practiced, especially in relation to a task or skill.
proficient n. An expert.
PROFICIENT adj. well advanced in an art, occupation, or branch of knowledge.
PROFITWISEprofitwise adv. In terms of profit.
PROFITWISE adv. by way of profit.
SHIPFITTERshipfitter n. A person employed to fabricate and assemble the structural parts of a ship.
ship␣fitter n. Alternative spelling of shipfitter.
SHIPFITTER n. one who fits out a ship.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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