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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing 2E, O, P and 3R

OVERREPORToverreport v. (Transitive) To report too much or too often.
OVERREPORT v. to report to excess.
PERFERVORSPERFERVOR n. a state of great fervour, also PERFERVOUR.
PERFERVOURPERFERVOUR n. great fervour, ardour, also PERFERVOR.
PERFORMERSperformers n. Plural of performer.
PERFORMER n. one who performs.
PORRENGERSporrengers n. Plural of porrenger.
PORRENGER n. a small dish for soup or porridge, also PORRINGER, POTTINGER.
PREORDEREDpreordered v. Simple past tense and past participle of preorder.
preordered adj. (Set theory, order theory, of a set) Equipped with a preorder.
pre-ordered v. Simple past tense and past participle of pre-order.
PRERECORDSprerecords v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prerecord.
pre-records v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pre-record.
PRERECORD v. to record in advance.
PROCEREBRAprocerebra n. Plural of procerebrum.
PROCEREBRUM n. the forebrain, the prosencephalon.
PROFFERERSprofferers n. Plural of profferer.
PROFFERER n. one who proffers.
REIMPORTERreimporter n. One who reimports.
REIMPORTER n. one who reimports.
REPERTOIRErepertoire n. A list of dramas, operas, pieces, parts, etc., which a company or a person has rehearsed and is prepared…
repertoire n. The set of skills, abilities, experiences, etc., possessed by a person.
repertoire n. The set of vocalisations used by a bird.
REPRESSORSrepressors n. Plural of repressor.
REPRESSOR n. one who represses, also REPRESSER.
REPROACHERreproacher n. One who reproaches.
REPROACHER n. one who reproaches.
REPROBATERreprobater n. One who reprobates.
REPROBATER n. one who reprobates.
REPRODUCERreproducer n. One who reproduces something.
reproducer n. In a phonograph, a device containing a sounding diaphragm and the needle or stylus that traverses the…
reproducer n. In a manograph, a device for reproducing the engine stroke on a reduced scale.
SUPERORDERsuperorder n. (Taxonomy) A taxonomic category below subclass and above order.
SUPERORDER n. a group intermediate in importance between an order and a subclass.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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