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There are 20 ten-letter words containing 2E, M, O, 2S and U

CORNEMUSEScornemuses n. Plural of cornemuse.
CORNEMUSE n. (French) a French mouth blown bagpipe with chanter and small drone in one stock, and a separate large drone.
ECOMUSEUMSecomuseums n. Plural of ecomuseum.
ECOMUSEUM n. a type of interdisciplinary museum presenting the history and heritage of a region.
EUONYMUSESeuonymuses n. Plural of euonymus.
EUONYMUS n. a plant of the burning bush family, also EVONYMUS.
EVONYMUSESEVONYMUS n. a plant of the burning bush family, also EUONYMUS.
GRUESOMESTgruesomest adj. Superlative form of gruesome: most gruesome.
GRUESOME adj. repugnant, also GREWSOME.
HEMIONUSESHEMIONUS n. (Greek) an Asiatic wild ass, aka kiang or dziggetai, also HEMIONE.
HOUSEMATEShousemates n. Plural of housemate.
HOUSEMATE n. one who dwells in the same house with another.
MENOPAUSESmenopauses n. Plural of menopause.
MENOPAUSE n. the period during which a woman's menstrual cycle ceases.
MESOPAUSESmesopauses n. Plural of mesopause.
MESOPAUSE n. the upper limit of the atmosphere.
METESTROUSMETESTROUS adj. relating to the metestrus, the period in the oestrous cycle following oestrus, characterized by lack of sexual activity, also METOESTROUS.
METOESTRUSmetoestrus n. Alternative form of metestrus.
metœstrus n. Obsolete form of metestrus.
METOESTRUS n. the period in the oestrous cycle following oestrus, characterized by lack of sexual activity, also METESTRUS.
MOUSEOVERSmouseovers n. Plural of mouseover.
mouse-overs n. Plural of mouse-over.
MOUSEOVER n. on a web page, any item that changes or pops up when the pointer of a mouse moves over it.
MOUSSELIKEmousselike adj. Resembling or characteristic of mousse, especially in consistency.
MOUSSELIKE adj. like mousse.
MOUSSELINEmousseline n. A very fine, semi-opaque fabric similar to muslin, typically made of silk, wool or cotton.
mousseline n. A soft, light sweet or savoury mousse.
mousseline n. A hollandaise sauce that has been made frothy with whipped cream or egg white, served mainly with fish or asparagus.
OUTSCHEMESoutschemes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outscheme.
OUTSCHEME v. to surpass in scheming.
ROUSEMENTSROUSEMENT n. (US) religious excitement.
SHREWMOUSEshrewmouse n. A shrew, especially the common show (also called the erd shrew).
SHREWMOUSE n. a shrew.
SMOKEHOUSEsmokehouse n. A structure used to smoke food to preserve it and to add flavor.
smokehouse n. A structure in which freshly harvested tobacco is cured or preserved by smoking.
SMOKEHOUSE n. a building where meat or fish is cured by subjecting it to a dense smoke.
SPODUMENESspodumenes n. Plural of spodumene.
SPODUMENE n. a monoclinic pyroxene, a silicate of aluminium and lithium occurring in granite pegmatites.
UGSOMENESSugsomeness n. (Northern England, Scotland, obsolete) The condition or state of being ugsome.
UGSOMENESS n. (obsolete) the state of being ugsome, frightful, loathsome.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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