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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing 2E, M, 2O and 2T

ENTEROTOMYenterotomy n. (Surgery) incision into the intestine.
ENTEROTOMY n. incision of the intestines, esp. in reducing certain cases of hernia.
HETEROATOMheteroatom n. (Chemistry) Any atom which is not carbon or hydrogen.
heteroatom n. (Chemistry) Any atom in a heterocyclic ring (or other structure normally built of carbon atoms) that…
HETEROATOM n. an atom other than carbon in the ring of a heterocyclic compound.
NOMOTHETESnomothetes n. Plural of nomothete.
NOMOTHETE n. a lawgiver.
OPTOMETERSoptometers n. Plural of optometer.
OPTOMETER n. an instrument for testing vision.
OSTEOTOMESosteotomes n. Plural of osteotome.
OSTEOTOME n. strong nippers or a chisel for dividing bone.
OUTCOMPETEoutcompete v. To be more successful than a competitor; especially to thrive in the presence of an organism that is…
OUTCOMPETE v. to surpass in competing.
PHOTOMETERphotometer n. (Physics) Any of several instruments used to measure various aspects of the intensity of light.
photometer v. (Astronomy) To measure some aspect of light (from a star) using a photometer.
PHOTOMETER n. an instrument for measuring light intensity.
POTOMETERSpotometers n. Plural of potometer.
POTOMETER n. an instrument measuring the rate at which plants absorb water.
SCOTOMETERscotometer n. An instrument for detecting and measuring scotomas.
SCOTOMETER n. an instrument for detecting defects in the visual field.
STEREOTOMYstereotomy n. (Geometry, masonry) The cutting or dissection of solids.
STEREOTOMY n. the cutting of stone or other solid materials.
STREETROOMSTREETROOM n. space enough in the street.
TELEOSTOMEteleostome n. Any fish of the clade Teleostomi.
TELEOSTOME n. a fish with membrane bones in the skull, jaws etc., as with any ordinary fish except skates and rays.
TENOTOMIEStenotomies n. Plural of tenotomy.
TENOTOMY n. the surgical division of a tendon.
TONOMETERStonometers n. Plural of tonometer.
TONOMETER n. an instrument used to measure the pitch of musical tones.
TROMOMETERtromometer n. An instrument for measuring slight earthquake shocks.
TROMOMETER n. an instrument for detecting or measuring faint tremors caused by an earthquake.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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