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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing 2E, M, 2N and 2S

AMANUENSESamanuenses n. Plural of amanuensis.
AMANUENSIS n. (Latin) one employed to take dictation or to copy manuscript.
HUMANENESShumaneness n. The property of being humane.
HUMANENESS n. the quality of being humane.
MANGANESESmanganeses n. Plural of manganese.
MANGANESE n. a hard grey brittle chemical element, used in steels and magnetic alloys.
MANNERLESSmannerless adj. Lacking good manners; impolite; ill-bred.
mannerless adj. Clumsy; graceless.
MANNERLESS adj. without manners.
MEANNESSESmeannesses n. Plural of meanness.
MEANNESS n. the state of being mean.
MINDEDNESSmindedness n. The state of being minded in a particular way (as in narrow-mindedness, absent-mindedness).
MINDEDNESS n. an inclination to do something.
MINESTONESminestones n. Plural of minestone.
MINESTONE n. ore, esp. ironstone.
MINUTENESSminuteness n. The property of being minute.
MINUTENESS n. the quality of being minute.
MODERNNESSmodernness n. The property of being modern.
MODERNNESS n. the state of being modern.
NIMBLENESSnimbleness n. The quality of being nimble.
NIMBLENESS n. the state of being nimble, also NIMBLESSE.
NUMBNESSESnumbnesses n. Plural of numbness.
NUMBNESS n. the state of being numb.
PENSTEMONSpenstemons n. Plural of penstemon.
PENSTEMON n. a genus of showy flowers, also PENTSTEMON.
SENTIMENTSsentiments n. Plural of sentiment.
SENTIMENT n. a thought or body of thought tinged with or influenced by emotion.
SOLEMNNESSsolemnness n. The state or quality of being solemn.
SOLEMNNESS n. the state of being solemn, also SOLEMNESS.
UNMEETNESSunmeetness n. The quality of being unmeet.
UNMEETNESS n. unsuitability.
UNSEEMINGSUNSEEMING n. (Shakespeare) a not seeming.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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