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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing 2E, L, N, 2R and U

BLUNDERERSblunderers n. Plural of blunderer.
BLUNDERER n. one who blunders.
LAUNDERERSlaunderers n. Plural of launderer.
LAUNDERER n. one who launders.
PERINEURALperineural adj. (Medicine) Near a nerve or nerves.
PERINEURAL adj. relating to the perineurium, connective tissue enclosing a nerve bundle, also PERINEURIAL.
PLUNDERERSplunderers n. Plural of plunderer.
PLUNDERER n. one who plunders.
RELAUNDERSrelaunders v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of relaunder.
RELAUNDER v. to launder again.
RETURNABLEreturnable adj. Capable of being returned.
returnable n. Something that can be returned.
RETURNABLE adj. that can be returned.
RETURNLESSreturnless adj. From (or due to) which one will not, or cannot, return (Of a journey, destination, situation, distance, etc.).
returnless adj. (Of something that is gone) which will not return.
RETURNLESS adj. admitting no return.
SUPERLINERsuperliner n. An ocean liner or cruise liner of over 10,000 gross tons.
SUPERLINER n. a very large ocean liner.
UNCEREBRALuncerebral adj. Not cerebral.
UNCEREBRAL adj. not cerebral.
UNDERLAYERunderlayer n. A layer that is below another layer.
underlayer n. (Mining) A perpendicular shaft sunk to cut the lode at any required depth.
underlayer n. One who underlays.
UNDERLIERSunderliers n. Plural of underlier.
UNDERLIER n. one who underlies.
UNRAVELLERunraveller n. Alternative form of unraveler.
UNRAVELLER n. one who unravels.
UNRELENTORunrelentor n. (Poetic, archaic, rare) One who does not relent.
UNRELENTOR n. (Keats) someone who does not relent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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