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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing 2E, L, N, O, T and V

BENEVOLENTbenevolent adj. Having a disposition to do good.
benevolent adj. Possessing or manifesting love for mankind.
benevolent adj. Altruistic, charitable, good, just and fair.
ELEVATIONSelevations n. Plural of elevation.
ELEVATION n. the act of elevating.
EVECTIONALevectional adj. (Astronomy) Relating to evection.
EVECTIONAL adj. relating to evection, a lunar inequality.
EVOLVEMENTevolvement n. Evolution.
EVOLVEMENT n. the act of evolving, evolution.
GRAVEOLENTgraveolent adj. That has a rank smell.
GRAVEOLENT adj. having a rank smell.
INTERVOLVEintervolve v. (Rare) To involve one with another.
intervolve v. (Rare) To twist or coil together.
INTERVOLVE v. to roll up or entwine with one another.
MALEVOLENTmalevolent adj. Having or displaying ill will; wishing harm on others.
malevolent adj. Having an evil or harmful influence.
MALEVOLENT adj. wishing evil.
NOVELETTESnovelettes n. Plural of novelette.
NOVELETTE n. a short novel.
OLIVENITESolivenites n. Plural of olivenite.
OLIVENITE n. an olive-green hydrous arseniate of copper.
OVERLEARNToverlearnt v. Simple past tense and past participle of overlearn.
OVERLEARN v. to continue to study or practice after attaining proficiency.
OVERLENGTHoverlength adj. Longer than is standard or (transport, law, of a vehicle) longer than is allowed.
overlength n. (Transport, law, of a vehicle) An excess of length.
OVERLENGTH n. excessive length.
OVERMANTELovermantel n. A decorative structure, usually plasterwork or carved wood, and sometimes containing a mirror, over a mantelpiece.
OVERMANTEL n. an ornamental structure set on a mantelshelf.
RESOLVENTSresolvents n. Plural of resolvent.
RESOLVENT n. a means of removing a difficulty, settling a problem.
REVELATIONrevelation n. The act of revealing or disclosing.
revelation n. Something that is revealed.
revelation n. Something dramatically disclosed.
SUAVEOLENTsuaveolent adj. (Rare) Sweet-smelling.
SUAVEOLENT adj. fragrant.
TELENOVELAtelenovela n. A television soap opera presented as a miniseries.
TELEVISIONtelevision n. (Uncountable) An electronic communication medium that allows the transmission of real-time visual images…
television n. (Countable) A device for receiving television signals and displaying them in visual form.
television n. (Uncountable) Collectively, the programs broadcast via the medium of television.
VELOUTINESveloutines n. Plural of veloutine.
VELOUTINE n. velvety corded wool.
VOLUNTEERSvolunteers n. Plural of volunteer.
VOLUNTEER v. to offer one's services.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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