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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing 2E, L, N, O, P and U

CORPULENCEcorpulence n. The state or characteristic of being corpulent.
CORPULENCE n. the state of being corpulent, also CORPULENCY.
COUPLEMENTcouplement n. (Obsolete) union; combination; a coupling; a pair.
COUPLEMENT n. union; a couple.
ENDOPLEURAendopleura n. (Botany) The inner coating of a seed; the tegmen.
ENDOPLEURA n. the inner coating of a seed.
LEUCOPENIAleucopenia n. Alternative spelling of leukopenia.
LEUCOPENIA n. a decrease in the number of leucocytes in blood, also LEUKOPENIA.
LEUCOPENICleucopenic adj. Alternative form of leukopenic.
LEUCOPENIC adj. having leucopenia, a decrease in number of leucocytes in blood.
LEUKOPENIAleukopenia n. (Medicine) An abnormally low count of leukocytes, or white blood cells, in the blood.
LEUKOPENIA n. an abnormally low white blood count, also LEUCOPENIA.
LEUKOPENICleukopenic adj. Having leukopenia.
leukopenic adj. (Not comparable) Characterized by, or concerning, leukopenia.
LEUKOPENIC adj. relating to leukopenia, an abnormally low white blood count, also LEUCOPENIC.
OPULENCIESopulencies n. Plural of opulency.
OPULENCY n. conspicuous wealth, also OPULENCE.
OWERLOUPENOWERLOUP v. (Scots) to leap over, also OVERLEAP.
PROFLUENCEprofluence n. (Obsolete) Onward flow; current.
profluence n. (Rare) The progression or flow (Of time, events etc.).
PROFLUENCE n. (Milton) the quality of being profluent.
UNDEPLOREDundeplored adj. Not deplored.
UNDEPLORED adj. not deplored.
UNEMPLOYEDunemployed adj. Having no job despite being able and willing to work.
unemployed adj. Having no use, not doing work.
UNEMPLOYED adj. not employed.
UNEXPLODEDunexploded adj. Not exploded.
UNEXPLODED adj. not exploded.
UNEXPLOREDunexplored adj. Which has not been explored.
UNEXPLORED adj. not explored.
UNOPENABLEunopenable adj. That cannot be opened.
UNOPENABLE adj. not openable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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