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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing 2E, L, 2N, O and U

BLUEBONNETbluebonnet n. Alternative form of blue bonnet.
blue␣bonnet n. A traditional flat Scottish hat made of blue wool; a blue tam-o’-shanter.
blue␣bonnet n. Someone who wears such a hat; a Scotsman, especially a Scottish soldier.
CONFLUENCEconfluence n. The act of combining that occurs where two rivers meet.
confluence n. A convergence or combination of forces, people, or things.
confluence n. (Biology) The proportion of cells, in a culture medium, that adhere to each other.
ENSOULMENTensoulment n. The act or process of ensouling; the act of a developing human being given a soul.
ENSOULMENT n. the act of animating with a soul, also INSOULMENT.
INELOQUENTineloquent adj. Not eloquent.
INELOQUENT adj. not eloquent.
LUNCHEONEDluncheoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of luncheon.
LUNCHEON v. (archaic) to take lunch.
MELUNGEONSMelungeons n. Plural of Melungeon.
MELUNGEON n. any of a dark-skinned group of people living in the Appalachians, of mixed White, Indian and Black origin.
NONLEGUMESnonlegumes n. Plural of nonlegume.
NONLEGUME n. a plant that is not a legume.
UNBEHOLDENunbeholden adj. Not beholden; not obliged or bound by duty or expectations.
unbeholden adj. (Obsolete) Unseen.
UNBEHOLDEN adj. not beholden.
UNENCLOSEDunenclosed adj. Not enclosed.
unenclosed adj. Relating to the exposure of elements that are typically unexposed.
UNENCLOSED adj. not enclosed, also UNINCLOSED.
UNLESSONEDunlessoned adj. Uneducated; ignorant.
UNLESSONED adj. not educated.
UNLOOSENEDunloosened v. Simple past tense and past participle of unloosen.
UNLOOSEN v. to set free, also UNLOOSE.
UNOPENABLEunopenable adj. That cannot be opened.
UNOPENABLE adj. not openable.
UNRELENTORunrelentor n. (Poetic, archaic, rare) One who does not relent.
UNRELENTOR n. (Keats) someone who does not relent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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