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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing 2E, L, M, P, S and U

AMPLEXUSESAMPLEXUS n. (Latin) the mating embrace of frogs.
EMPLECTUMSEMPLECTUM n. (archaic) ashlar masonry filled up with rubble, also EMPLECTON.
MULTIPEDESmultipedes n. Plural of multipede.
MULTIPEDE n. an insect having many feet, as a myriapod, also MULTIPED.
MULTISPEEDmultispeed adj. Capable of operating at multiple speeds.
MULTISPEED adj. of e.g. a bicycle, having many gears.
PETROLEUMSpetroleums n. Plural of petroleum.
PETROLEUM n. a general term including both oil and natural gas.
PLAGUESOMEplaguesome adj. That is a plague.
PLAGUESOME adj. (colloquial) troublesome, annoying.
PLUMBERIESplumberies n. Plural of plumbery.
PLUMBERY n. the work of a plumber.
PRESUMABLEpresumable adj. Capable of being presumed.
PRESUMABLE adj. to be presumed.
PRESUMEDLYpresumedly adv. (Rare) In a way that is presumed; expectedly; presumably.
PRESUMED adv. PRESUME, to take for granted.
PULSIMETERpulsimeter n. A sphygmograph.
PULSIMETER n. an instrument for measuring the pulse.
PULSOMETERpulsometer n. A vacuum pump or hydrotrope.
PULSOMETER n. a pump that draws in water by condensation of steam in two chambers alternately.
SEMIPLUMESsemiplumes n. Plural of semiplume.
SEMIPLUME n. a feather with an ordinary shaft but a downy web.
SUPERMALESsupermales n. Plural of supermale.
SUPERMALE n. an excessively macho male.
SUPERMODELsupermodel n. A highly paid, famous fashion model.
supermodel n. (Dated) A technological improvement over an invention’s previous model.
SUPERMODEL n. a famous and successful fashion model.
SUPPLEMENTsupplement n. Something added, especially to make up for a deficiency.
supplement n. An extension to a document or publication that adds information, corrects errors or brings up to date.
supplement n. An additional section of a newspaper devoted to a specific subject.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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