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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing 2E, L, M, N and 2T

BATTLEMENTbattlement n. In fortification: an indented parapet, formed by a series of rising members called cops or merlons…
battlement n. Any high wall for defense.
battlement n. (Poetic) The towering roof of heaven.
ENLISTMENTenlistment n. The act of enlisting.
ENLISTMENT n. the act or enlisting, or the state of being enlisted.
ENTAILMENTentailment n. The act of entailing, the state of being entailed, or something that is entailed.
ENTAILMENT n. the act of entailing or of giving, as an estate, and directing the mode of descent.
ENTOILMENTENTOILMENT n. entanglement, ensnaring.
EXTOLMENTSextolments n. Plural of extolment.
EXTOLMENT n. praise.
JOSTLEMENTjostlement n. Crowding; hustling.
JOSTLEMENT n. crowding; hustling.
LENTAMENTELENTAMENTE adv. (Italian) slowly; in slow time.
MANTELTREEmanteltree n. A mantel.
MANTELTREE n. the lintel of a fireplace when of wood, as frequently in early houses, also MANTLETREE.
MANTLETREEmantletree n. Alternative spelling of mantle-tree.
mantle-tree n. (Archaic) A beam of wood over the opening of an open fireplace, from which items were hung.
MANTLETREE n. a beam made of stone or wood that forms the lintel over a fireplace, also MANTELTREE.
NETTLESOMEnettlesome adj. (Of a person, thing, situation, etc.) Causing irritation, annoyance, or discomfort; bothersome, irksome.
nettlesome adj. (Of a task, problem, etc.) Thorny; difficult to deal with, especially due to being complex or tricky.
NETTLESOME adj. causing vexation.
RELENTMENTrelentment n. The act of relenting, softening.
RELENTMENT n. the act of relenting.
RETAILMENTretailment n. The act of retailing.
RETAILMENT n. the act of retailing.
SETTLEMENTsettlement n. The act of settling.
settlement n. The state of being settled.
settlement n. A colony that is newly established; a place or region newly settled (even in past times).
TANGLEMENTtanglement n. Entanglement.
TANGLEMENT n. a state of being entangled.
TEGUMENTALtegumental adj. Relating to an integument.
TEGUMENTAL adj. of or like a tegument, also TEGUMENTARY.
TEMULENTLYtemulently adv. In a temulent manner.
TEMULENT adv. pertaining to temulence.
TENEMENTALtenemental adj. Of or pertaining to a tenement; capable of being held by tenants.
TENEMENTAL adj. of or pertaining to a tenement, also TENEMENTARY.
THELEMENTSTHELEMENT n. (Spenser) the element.
VESTMENTALvestmental adj. Relating to vestments.
VESTMENTAL adj. relating to a vestment.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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