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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing 2E, L, M, 2N and S

ALINEMENTSalinements n. Plural of alinement.
ALINEMENT n. the action of alining, also ALIGNMENT.
ELOINMENTSELOINMENT n. the act of eloining, conveying to a distance.
ENAMELINGSenamelings n. Plural of enameling.
ENAMELING n. the act of coating with enamel.
ENLISTMENTenlistment n. The act of enlisting.
ENLISTMENT n. the act or enlisting, or the state of being enlisted.
ENROLMENTSenrolments n. Plural of enrolment.
ENROLMENT n. the act of enrolling, also ENROLLMENT.
ENSOULMENTensoulment n. The act or process of ensouling; the act of a developing human being given a soul.
ENSOULMENT n. the act of animating with a soul, also INSOULMENT.
EUMELANINSeumelanins n. Plural of eumelanin.
EUMELANIN n. any melanin pigment of darker type.
LENGTHSMENlengthsmen n. Plural of lengthsman.
LENGTHSMAN n. someone responsible for the upkeep of a particular length of railway.
LINEAMENTSlineaments n. Plural of lineament.
LINEAMENT n. a distinctive feature or characteristic.
MALENGINESMALENGINE n. (Spenser) evil machination, deceit.
MANNERLESSmannerless adj. Lacking good manners; impolite; ill-bred.
mannerless adj. Clumsy; graceless.
MANNERLESS adj. without manners.
MELONGENESmelongenes n. Plural of melongene.
MELONGENE n. (Caribbean) an aubergine.
MELUNGEONSMelungeons n. Plural of Melungeon.
MELUNGEON n. any of a dark-skinned group of people living in the Appalachians, of mixed White, Indian and Black origin.
NIMBLENESSnimbleness n. The quality of being nimble.
NIMBLENESS n. the state of being nimble, also NIMBLESSE.
NONLEGUMESnonlegumes n. Plural of nonlegume.
NONLEGUME n. a plant that is not a legume.
SOLEMNNESSsolemnness n. The state or quality of being solemn.
SOLEMNNESS n. the state of being solemn, also SOLEMNESS.
SOMNOLENCEsomnolence n. A state of drowsiness or sleepiness.
SOMNOLENCE n. sleepiness, also SOMNOLENCY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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