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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing 2E, I, O, P, R and U

EUROPHILESeurophiles n. Plural of europhile.
Europhiles n. Plural of Europhile.
EUROPHILE n. one who admires Europe and Europeans.
EUTROPHIESeutrophies n. Plural of eutrophy.
EUTROPHY n. healthy nutrition.
OUTPEERINGoutpeering v. Present participle of outpeer.
OUTPEER v. (Shakespeare) to surpass, excel.
OVEREQUIPSOVEREQUIP v. to equip, furnish with, or supply excessively.
PERIOSTEUMperiosteum n. A membrane surrounding a bone.
PERIOSTEUM n. a tough fibrous membrane covering the surface of bones, also PERIOST.
PERITONEUMperitoneum n. (Anatomy) In mammals, the serous membrane lining the cavity of the abdomen and that is folded over the viscera.
peritoneum n. (Zoology) In animals, the membrane lining the coelom cavity.
PERITONEUM n. the smooth serous membrane which lines the cavity of the abdomen.
PIROUETTEDpirouetted v. Simple past tense and past participle of pirouette.
PIROUETTE v. to make a pirouette.
PIROUETTERpirouetter n. One who pirouettes.
PIROUETTER n. one who pirouettes.
PIROUETTESpirouettes n. Plural of pirouette.
pirouettes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pirouette.
PIROUETTE v. to make a pirouette.
PRECIOUSESpreciouses n. Plural of precious.
PRECIOUS n. a sweetheart.
REOCCUPIEDreoccupied v. Simple past tense and past participle of reoccupy.
REOCCUPY v. to occupy again.
REOCCUPIESreoccupies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reoccupy.
REOCCUPY v. to occupy again.
SUPEROXIDEsuperoxide n. (Chemistry) A peroxide.
superoxide n. (Chemistry) The univalent anion, O2-, obtained from molecular oxygen by adding an electron; any compound…
SUPEROXIDE n. a peroxide, an oxide with the highest proportion of oxygen.
UROPOIESESUROPOIESIS n. the formation of urine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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