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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing 2E, I, 2N, P and U

PENGUINERYpenguinery n. (Zoology) A breeding place, or rookery, of penguins.
PENGUINERY n. a breeding place, or rookery, of penguins, also PENGUINRY.
PLENILUNESplenilunes n. Plural of plenilune.
PLENILUNE n. the time of the full moon.
PUNGENCIESpungencies n. Plural of pungency.
PUNGENCY n. the state of being pungent, also PUNGENCE.
PUNINESSESPUNINESS n. the state of being puny.
SEPTENNIUMseptennium n. A period of seven years.
SEPTENNIUM n. a period of seven years.
SPINNERULEspinnerule n. (Zoology) One of the numerous small spinning tubes on the spinnerets of spiders.
SPINNERULE n. one of the numerous small spinning tubes on the spinnerets of spiders.
SUPINENESSsupineness n. The state of being supine.
supineness n. Total submissiveness; flat on one’s back, lacking any backbone; with total abandon; prostrate; supine.
SUPINENESS n. the state of being supine.
TUPPENNIEStuppennies n. Plural of tuppenny.
TUPPENNY n. two pennies, also TWOPENNY.
TURPENTINEturpentine n. Any oleoresin secreted by the wood or bark of certain trees.
turpentine n. A volatile essential oil now obtained from such oleoresin of from the wood of pine trees by steam distillation;…
turpentine v. (Transitive) To drain resin from (a tree) for use in making turpentine.
UNRIPENESSunripeness n. The state or property of being unripe.
UNRIPENESS n. the state of being unripe.
UNSLEEPINGunsleeping adj. Not sleeping.
unsleeping adj. (Figurative) Remaining constantly alert.
unsleeping adj. Remaining constantly active.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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