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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing 2E, I, 3N and S

ENDENIZENSendenizens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of endenizen.
ENDENIZEN v. to admit to the privileges of a denizen; to naturalize.
ENSANGUINEensanguine v. To stain with blood.
ENSANGUINE v. to cover with blood.
FESCENNINEfescennine adj. Obscene or scurrilous.
Fescennine adj. Of or pertaining to the ancient Etruscan town of Fescennia.
Fescennine adj. Obscene or scurrilous.
INNATENESSinnateness n. The condition of being innate.
INNATENESS n. the quality of being innate.
INNOCENCESinnocences n. Plural of innocence.
INNOCENCE n. the quality of being innocent, also INNOCENCY.
INNUENDOESinnuendoes n. Plural of innuendo.
INNUENDO v. to make an innuendo.
INSANENESSinsaneness n. Insanity; madness.
INSANENESS n. insanity, madness.
INSENTIENTinsentient adj. Having no consciousness or animation; not sentient.
insentient adj. Insensitive, indifferent.
INSENTIENT adj. not sentient.
INTENTNESSintentness n. The condition of being intent.
INTENTNESS n. the state of being intent.
JENNETINGSjennetings n. Plural of jenneting.
JENNETING n. an early type of apple, also JUNEATING.
NINEPENCESninepences n. Plural of ninepence.
NINEPENCE n. nine pennies.
NONENTRIESnonentries n. Plural of nonentry.
NONENTRY n. the fact of not entering.
NONSCIENCEnonscience n. (Usually uncountable) That which is not science, or a specific non-scientific field.
nonscience n. A body, set, or system of information, methods, beliefs, and hypotheses (such as history, astrology…
non-science n. Alternative spelling of nonscience.
PENNINITESPENNINITE n. a mineral of the chlorite group, also PENNINE.
SENTENCINGsentencing adj. Relating to a judicial sentence.
sentencing n. The act of pronouncing a judicial sentence on someone convicted of a crime.
sentencing n. (Colloquial) The act of creating one or more complete sentences from fragmented thoughts and phrases.
TENNESSINEtennessine n. The chemical element (halogen) with atomic number 117.
TENNESSINE n. a highly radioactive element, of which only a few atoms have ever been produced.
TENPINNERStenpinners n. Plural of tenpinner.
TENPINNER n. one who engages in tenpin bowling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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