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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing 2E, I, M, 2O and T

ERIOSTEMONERIOSTEMON n. an Australian shrub.
GONIOMETERgoniometer n. A device used to measure the angles of joints commonly used in orthopedics and physical therapy.
goniometer n. A device used to measure the angles of crystals.
goniometer n. A radio direction finder.
ICONOMETERiconometer n. (Photography, historical) An early form of viewfinder.
ICONOMETER n. an instrument for finding the size of an object by measuring its image.
KINETOSOMEkinetosome n. A basal body.
KINETOSOME n. a basal body.
MEROZOITESmerozoites n. Plural of merozoite.
MEROZOITE n. a young trophozoite resulting from the division of a schizont.
METEOROIDSmeteoroids n. Plural of meteoroid.
METEOROID n. a meteor that has not reached the earth's atmosphere.
NOOMETRIESNOOMETRY n. mind-measurement.
ODOMETRIESODOMETRY n. the process of using an odometer.
OPISOMETERopisometer n. A device for measuring the length of curved lines, such as on a map.
OPISOMETER n. an instrument for measuring curved lines.
OPSIOMETERopsiometer n. An old instrument for measuring vision and determining the focal length of a lens that can correct an…
OPSIOMETER n. an instrument for testing vision.
REMONTOIREREMONTOIRE n. any of various devices used in watches, clocks etc. to compensate for errors, also REMONTOIR.
TEDIOUSOMEtediousome adj. (Rare) tedious.
TEDIOUSOME adj. (Scots) tedious, also TEDISOME.
TELEONOMICteleonomic adj. Of or pertaining to teleonomy.
TELEONOMIC adj. relating to teleonomy, the property of living systems of being organized towards the attainment of ends without true purposiveness.
TENOTOMIEStenotomies n. Plural of tenotomy.
TENOTOMY n. the surgical division of a tendon.
THEONOMIEStheonomies n. Plural of theonomy.
THEONOMY n. rule by a god.
ZOOMETRIESZOOMETRY n. (Greek) comparing measurements of animals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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