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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing 2E, I, L, P, R and Y

CREEPINGLYcreepingly adv. By creeping, moving stealthily and slowly; insidiously; cunningly.
CREEPING adv. CREEP, to advance stealthily.
DECREPITLYdecrepitly adv. In a decrepit way.
DECREPIT adv. worn out, down at heel.
ERUPTIVELYeruptively adv. In an eruptive manner.
ERUPTIVE adv. breaking out or bursting forth.
ERYSIPELASerysipelas n. (Pathology) An acute, sometimes recurrent febrile disease caused by infection of a hemolytic streptococcus…
ERYSIPELAS n. a febrile disease accompanied with a diffused inflammation of the skin, aka St Anthony's Fire.
HYPERMILERhypermiler n. One who uses special driving techniques to achieve unusually good fuel economy.
INEXPERTLYinexpertly adv. In an inexpert manner.
INEXPERT adv. one who lacks specific skills, also NONEXPERT.
PELVIMETRYpelvimetry n. The assessment of the female pelvis in relation to the birth of a baby.
PELVIMETRY n. measurement of the pelvis.
PERICYCLESpericycles n. Plural of pericycle.
PERICYCLE n. the outermost layer or layers of the central cylinder.
PERISTYLESperistyles n. Plural of peristyle.
PERISTYLE n. a range of columns around a building or courtyard.
PERPLEXITYperplexity n. The state or quality of being perplexed; puzzled or confused.
perplexity n. Something that perplexes.
perplexity n. In information theory, a measurement of how well a probability distribution or model predicts a sample.
PLEXIMETRYpleximetry n. The use of the pleximeter.
PLEXIMETRY n. the use of a pleximeter, a small, hard, elastic plate, as of ivory, bone, or rubber, placed in contact with body to receive the blow, in examination by mediate percussion.
POLYMERIDEpolymeride n. (Organic chemistry) Polymer.
POLYMERIDE n. a polymer.
POLYMERIESPOLYMERY n. in botany, the condition of having many parts.
POLYMERISEpolymerise v. (British spelling) alternative form of polymerize.
POLYMERISE v. to make into a polymer, also POLYMERIZE.
POLYMERIZEpolymerize v. (Transitive, chemistry) To convert a monomer to a polymer by polymerization.
polymerize v. (Intransitive, chemistry) To undergo polymerization.
POLYMERIZE v. to make into a polymer, also POLYMERISE.
REPLEVYINGreplevying v. Present participle of replevy.
REPLEVY v. to regain possession by legal action, also REPLEVIN.
SPERRYLITEsperrylite n. (Mineralogy) An isometric-diploidal tin white mineral containing arsenic and platinum.
SPERRYLITE n. an arsenide of platinum, the only known compound of platinum occurring in nature.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 49 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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