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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing 2E, I, L, 2P and R

DOPPLERITEdopplerite n. (Mineralogy) A brownish-black native hydrocarbon occurring in elastic or jelly-like masses, derived…
DOPPLERITE n. a black elastic substance (calcium salts of humus acids) found in peat beds.
LEPTOSPIREleptospire n. Any bacterium of the genus Leptospira.
LEPTOSPIRE n. any of a genus of slender aerobic spirochetes.
PEPPERMILLpeppermill n. Alternative form of pepper mill.
pepper␣mill n. A small handheld grinder containing a supply of peppercorns for grinding fresh at the table or in the kitchen.
pepper␣mill n. (Historical, slang) The Curta, a cylindrical hand-held mechanical calculator invented in the 1930s.
PERIPHERALperipheral adj. On the periphery or boundary.
peripheral adj. Beside the point.
peripheral adj. Unimportant.
PERIPLUSESperipluses n. Plural of periplus.
PERIPLUS n. a voyage or trip around something.
PERIPTERALperipteral adj. (Architecture) peripterous.
peripteral adj. (Zoology) peripterous.
PERIPTERAL adj. having a row of columns on every side.
PERPLEXINGperplexing adj. Confusing or puzzling.
perplexing adj. Bewildering.
perplexing v. Present participle of perplex.
PERPLEXITYperplexity n. The state or quality of being perplexed; puzzled or confused.
perplexity n. Something that perplexes.
perplexity n. In information theory, a measurement of how well a probability distribution or model predicts a sample.
PIMPERNELSpimpernels n. Plural of pimpernel.
PIMPERNEL n. a small red flower of waste ground.
PREAPPLIEDpreapplied v. Simple past tense and past participle of preapply.
PREAPPLY v. to apply beforehand.
PREAPPLIESpreapplies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of preapply.
PREAPPLY v. to apply beforehand.
PRECEPTIALpreceptial adj. (Obsolete) preceptive.
PRECEPTIAL adj. (Shakespeare) consisting of precepts, also PRECEPTIVE.
PULPITEERSpulpiteers n. Plural of pulpiteer.
PULPITEER n. someone who speaks from a pulpit, a preacher, also PULPITER.
REPEOPLINGrepeopling v. Present participle of repeople.
REPEOPLE v. to supply with people again.
RESUPPLIEDresupplied v. Simple past tense and past participle of resupply.
RESUPPLY v. to supply again.
RESUPPLIESresupplies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of resupply.
RESUPPLY v. to supply again.
SCHLEPPIERSCHLEPPY adj. (Yiddish) incompetent, also SHLEPPY.
SLIPPERIERslipperier adj. Comparative form of slippery: more slippery.
SLIPPERY adj. causing slips.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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