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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing 2E, H, 2I, P and S

AEDILESHIPaedileship n. (Historical) The office of an aedile.
aedileship n. (Historical) The period or duration of this office.
ædileship n. (Rare) Alternative form of aedileship.
CINEPHILEScinephiles n. Plural of cinephile.
CINEPHILE n. a lover of the cinema.
EPIPHANIESepiphanies n. Plural of epiphany.
Epiphanies n. Plural of Epiphany.
EPIPHANY n. an appearance of a deity.
EPITHELISEepithelise v. Alternative form of epithelialize.
EPITHELISE v. to convert to epithelium, also EPITHELIZE.
HAIRPIECEShairpieces n. Plural of hairpiece.
HAIRPIECE n. an artificial extension to the hair.
HEPARINISEheparinise v. Alternative form of heparinize.
HESPERIDIAhesperidia n. Plural of hesperidium.
HESPERIDIUM n. a plant with a berry like a citrus fruit.
HESPERIDINhesperidin n. (Biochemistry) a flavanone glycoside found in citrus fruit.
HESPERIDIN n. a glucoside found in ripe and unripe fruit (as the orange), and extracted as a white crystalline substance.
HIPPIENESShippieness n. (Informal) Alternative form of hippiness.
HIPPIENESS n. the state of being a hippie.
MEPHITISESmephitises n. Plural of mephitis.
MEPHITIS n. a poisonous exhalation; a foul stink.
PETHIDINESpethidines n. Plural of pethidine.
PETHIDINE n. a pain-relieving drug used in childbirth, etc.
PIPEFISHESpipefishes n. Plural of pipefish.
PIPEFISH n. any of numerous fishes having a long slender armoured body and a tubular snout.
VIEWERSHIPviewership n. Collectively, the viewers of a television program or other video broadcast.
VIEWERSHIP n. a programme's viewers taken collectively.
WHISPERIERWHISPERY adj. like a whisper.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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