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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing 2E, G, 2L, O and R

ALLEGORIESallegories n. Plural of allegory.
ALLEGORY n. a story presenting a moral principle.
ALLEGORISEallegorise v. (Transitive, British spelling) To create an allegory from some event or situation.
allegorise v. (Intransitive, British spelling) To use allegory.
ALLEGORISE v. to make an allegory of, also ALLEGORIZE.
ALLEGORIZEallegorize v. Alternative spelling of allegorise.
ALLEGORIZE v. to make an allegory of, also ALLEGORISE.
ALLEGRETTOallegretto adv. (Music) To be played rather fast and lively.
allegretto n. (Music) A movement in this time.
ALLEGRETTO n. (Italian) a musical piece quicker than andante, but not so quick as allegro.
FELLMONGERfellmonger n. (Britain) Someone who sells or works with animal hides and skins.
fellmonger v. To prepare animal skin for tanning.
FELLMONGER n. a dealer in fells or sheepskins, who separates the wool from the pelts.
GLOMERULESglomerules n. Plural of glomerule.
GLOMERULE n. a cluster of short-stalked flowers.
GORBELLIESgorbellies n. Plural of gorbelly.
GORBELLY n. (obsolete) a big belly; a big-bellied person.
GOSPELLERSgospellers n. Plural of gospeller.
GOSPELLER n. one of the four evangelists, also GOSPELER.
GOSPELLIERGOSPELLY adj. like gospel music.
GROVELLERSgrovellers n. Plural of groveller.
GROVELLER n. one who grovels, also GROVELER.
JARGONELLEjargonelle n. A variety of pear.
JARGONELLE n. (French) an early variety of pear, also JARGONEL.
ORGANELLESorganelles n. Plural of organelle.
ORGANELLE n. a specialized part of a cell that acts like an organ.
OVERGALLEDOVERGALL v. to greatly blister.
PRECOLLEGEprecollege adj. Occurring before, or in preparation for, college.
PRECOLLEGE adj. taking place before attendance at college.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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