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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing 2E, F, R, 2T and U

FEATURETTEfeaturette n. (Film) A relatively short feature film.
featurette n. (Film) A short film of bonus material, companion to the main feature, frequently part of additional…
FEATURETTE n. a brief feature, esp. a short documentary film dealing with an aspect of the making of a feature film and included on a DVD of the feature film.
FLEURETTESfleurettes n. (Card games) A card game from the seventeenth century.
FLEURETTE n. (French) an ornament in the shape of a small flower, also FLEURET.
FLUTTERERSflutterers n. Plural of flutterer.
FLUTTERER n. one who flutters.
FLUTTERIERFLUTTERY adj. marked by fluttering.
FOURCHETTEfourchette n. (Anatomy) A fork-shaped structure, specifically the fold of skin where the labia minora meet above the…
fourchette n. A fork-shaped instrument or device, specifically the forked structure between two fingers of a glove.
fourchette n. (Surgery) An instrument used to raise and support the tongue during the cutting of the frenulum.
FOURTEENTHfourteenth adj. The ordinal form of the number fourteen.
fourteenth n. The person or thing in the fourteenth position.
fourteenth n. One of fourteen equal parts of a whole.
FRUTESCENTfrutescent adj. Imperfectly resembling a shrub.
FRUTESCENT adj. like or resembling a shrub.
LEAFCUTTERleafcutter n. Alternative spelling of leaf-cutter.
leaf-cutter n. Any insect that cuts pieces from leaves.
leaf-cutter n. A tool for trimming leaves from plants.
STREETFULSstreetfuls n. Plural of streetful.
STREETFUL n. the contents of a street.
UNFETTEREDunfettered v. Simple past tense and past participle of unfetter.
unfettered adj. Not bound by chains or shackles.
unfettered adj. (By extension) Not restricted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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