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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing 3E, 3R and T

GARRETEERSgarreteers n. Plural of garreteer.
GARRETEER n. (archaic) one who lives in a garret esp. a poor author.
INTERFERERinterferer n. A person who, or thing that, interferes.
INTERFERER n. one who interferes.
IRREVERENTirreverent adj. Lacking respect; not having or not showing respect for or seriousness towards something that is usually…
IRREVERENT adj. lacking reverence.
PERVERTERSperverters n. Plural of perverter.
PERVERTER n. one who perverts.
REARRESTEDrearrested v. Simple past tense and past participle of rearrest.
REARREST v. to arrest again.
REBREATHERrebreather n. (Underwater diving) A breathing apparatus that recycles expelled air, removing carbon dioxide and thus…
REGISTERERregisterer n. One who registers.
REGISTERER n. one who registers.
REGRETTERSregretters n. Plural of regretter.
REGRETTER n. one who regrets.
REINTERREDreinterred v. Simple past tense and past participle of reinter.
REINTER v. to inter again.
REPERTOIRErepertoire n. A list of dramas, operas, pieces, parts, etc., which a company or a person has rehearsed and is prepared…
repertoire n. The set of skills, abilities, experiences, etc., possessed by a person.
repertoire n. The set of vocalisations used by a bird.
REREDORTERreredorter n. A latrine situated at the rear of a medieval monastery or convent.
rere-dorter n. Alternative form of reredorter.
REREDORTER n. (historical) a lavatory built behind a monastic dormitory.
REREGISTERreregister v. To register again, or to renew or change one’s registration.
re-register v. Alternative form of reregister.
REREGISTER v. to register again.
RETREATERSretreaters n. Plural of retreater.
RETREATER n. one who retreats.
RETRIEVERSretrievers n. Plural of retriever.
RETRIEVER n. one of a breed of large gun dogs that can be trained to retrieve game.
RETROVERSEretroverse adj. Arranged in a backwards or reverse manner.
RETROVERSE adj. turned backwards.
TEARJERKERtearjerker n. (Informal) An emotionally charged film, novel, song, opera, television episode, etc., usually with one…
tear-jerker n. Alternative form of tearjerker.
tear␣jerker n. Alternative spelling of tearjerker.
TREACHERERTREACHERER n. (obsolete) a traitor; a deceiver, also TREACHER, TREACHOUR.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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