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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing 3E, N, P and 2R

ENCIPHERERencipherer n. One who enciphers.
ENCIPHERER n. one who enciphers.
ENTERPRISEenterprise n. A company, business, organization, or other purposeful endeavor.
enterprise n. An undertaking, venture, or project, especially a daring and courageous one.
enterprise n. (Uncountable) A willingness to undertake new or risky projects; energy and initiative.
PEREGRINESperegrines n. Plural of peregrine.
PEREGRINE n. a swift falcon much used in falconry, also PEREGRIN.
PERICENTERpericenter n. (Astronomy) The peribaryon, the point of closest approach of an astronomical object in an elliptical…
PERICENTER n. the point in the path of a body revolving round a centre at which it is nearest to the centre, also PERICENTRE.
PERICENTREpericentre n. Alternative spelling of pericenter.
PERICENTRE n. the point in the path of a body revolving round a centre at which it is nearest to the centre, also PERICENTER.
PREFERENCEpreference n. The selection of one thing or person over others (with the main adposition being "for" in relation to…
preference n. The option to so select, and the one selected.
preference n. The state of being preferred over others.
PREFERMENTpreferment n. (Now historical) Prior claim (on payment, or on purchasing something); the first rights to obtain a…
preferment n. (Obsolete) The fact of being pushed or advanced to a more favourable situation; furtherance, promotion…
preferment n. Advancement to a higher position or office; promotion.
PRESCREENSprescreens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prescreen.
prescreens n. Plural of prescreen.
PRESCREEN v. to screen in advance.
PRESENTERSpresenters n. Plural of presenter.
PRESENTER n. one who presents.
PRETENDERSpretenders n. Plural of pretender.
PRETENDER n. one who lays claim to something.
PREVENTERSpreventers n. Plural of preventer.
PREVENTER n. one who prevents.
REPREEVINGrepreeving v. Present participle of repreeve.
REPREEVE v. (Shakespeare) to delay the execution of, also REPRIVE, REPRYVE.
REPREHENDSreprehends v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reprehend.
REPREHEND v. to rebuke.
REPRESENTSrepresents v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of represent.
REPRESENT v. to exhibit the image of; to use, or serve, as a symbol for.
RESERPINESreserpines n. Plural of reserpine.
RESERPINE n. a sedative drug.
TERREPLEINterreplein n. (Obsolete military) The sloping earthen embankment behind a defensive wall.
terreplein n. (Military) The level platform atop a wall, typically protected by a parapet and (strictly) distinguished…
terreplein n. (Military) Any level base used by artillery in the field.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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