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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing 3E, M, S, T and U

BEMUSEMENTbemusement n. The state of being bemused.
BEMUSEMENT n. the act of bemusing.
EDUCEMENTSeducements n. Plural of educement.
EDUCEMENT n. the act of educing.
ENUMERATESenumerates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of enumerate.
ENUMERATE v. to count, also NUMERATE.
ENUREMENTSENUREMENT n. the act of enuring, also INUREMENT.
EUHEMERISTeuhemerist n. Someone who practices or upholds euhemerism, a person who believes all or most myths and legends arose…
euhemerist adj. Synonym of euhemeristic: of or related to euhemerism.
EUHEMERIST n. one who advocates euhemerism.
MUFFETTEESmuffettees n. Plural of muffettee.
MUFFETTEE n. (obsolete) a muffler, a woollen cuff.
MUSKETEERSmusketeers n. Plural of musketeer.
Musketeers n. Plural of Musketeer.
MUSKETEER n. a soldier who uses a musket.
MUTENESSESmutenesses n. Plural of muteness.
MUTENESS n. the state of being mute.
SECUREMENTsecurement n. The act of securing.
SECUREMENT n. the act of securing.
SEDUCEMENTseducement n. (Obsolete) Seduction.
seducement n. (Obsolete) Something that seduces one away; a temptation.
SEDUCEMENT n. the act of seducing.
TENESMUSEStenesmuses n. Plural of tenesmus.
TENESMUS n. a frequent but ineffectual urge to defecate.
TUMESCENCEtumescence n. A swelling due to the presence of fluid.
tumescence n. A swollen bodily organ; used especially of erectile tissue.
TUMESCENCE n. swelling.
UNMEETNESSunmeetness n. The quality of being unmeet.
UNMEETNESS n. unsuitability.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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